prkaye said:
Does anyone know if detailed CAD or GMAX 3D models of RV models are available anywhere?
Me too!. Right now I only have a very coarse, low polygon count, RV-6 model translated from a flight simulator model back when you could do those things.
Hey Phil, thanks for the email? I'm not aware of any CAD drawings BTW. I guess you already considered using the plans and a ruler.

To follow up?on my own RV-7 project for FS. I'm still working on it. It should be ready in a few more months. I've built a web site


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But will it run in FSX?

OK, forget the question above. Just checked out the website. Very cool. Might have to try it out.
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dmaher said:
To follow up?on my own RV-7 project for FS. I'm still working on it. It should be ready in a few more months.
Hi, looks very promising! It brought up couple of quesions:

a) Are you offering model for free when ready or charging for it?
b) Does tail dragger version exists?
c) At least from outside, it looks pretty complete. So what is currently missing? I quess we can't spend xmas holidays flying this pretty...
Hi Pirkka,
The project will be distributed through a small commercial flight-sim publisher.
A tail dragger and a tilt-up are also included.
The modeling is 90% done, but most of the remaining work is still in progress. Consider, sound, panels and gauges, flight dynamics, FX, animation, documentation. There are still many months of work here..

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I guess you already considered using the plans and a ruler.

Well, when you told me how many hours you've spent on yours, I got scared :eek:

For now, I'm actually interested more in a 3-D model (of the 9-A slider) than I am in an actual flying FS model. I want something that I can play with paint schemes, and just visualize and show my friends what it will look like.

Has the majority of your time been spent building the 3D-model, or is a big chunk of the work getting the 3D model to work in FS? I want to build a model, but being new at this, I'm not sure how big a project I'd be getting myself into!
Phil, not to mislead you...building a reasonably simple model isn?t going to take a really long time?.especially if you don?t export it to FS. You just need to get familiar with a few standard 3D modeling techniques. A good book on 3D will save you a lot of time. I?d say give yourself one to two weeks of evenings to might even enjoy it:)

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I've been waiting... waited about week for now? While waiting, I still would have couple of questions:

Does this have compatibility for FS2004 (The most scenery addons for Finland has no FSX compatibility so it drives me still play with FS2004 Scenery Designers)).

How it can fly without pilot? :) I don't know how easy it is put there as an option like flying without pilot, with pilot or with pilot and passenger. Having different looking guys wouldn't be bad either.

You must have seen Flight Factory Simulation's RV-7. How do you think your version will differ from that?

You said that you are going to sell this via some small company. Any idea how much you are going to charge for it? And hopefully company is large enough to accept major credit cards.

Anyway, keep up working with this. It will eventually finance your own RV-7... ;)
Hi Pirkka, I will send VAF all the details closer to completion. Feel free to contact me through my site. I’m happy to answer your questions and consider any suggestions…I will try to make a FAQ for the site to.

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Oh boy, it’s been a year…hard to believe. Lots of steady progress on the Flight Sim 9 project…still looking to finish sometime in the New Year. Here are a few more pic’s (…from my site)


black 7 with a slider canopy

unpainted 7-A with a slider canopy

...still working on the tilt-up canopy option
tiltup_mapping_2.jpg RV grin in FS9 :)
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Danny, I see you have the old style nose fork on the 7A... aren't you worried it will flip over? :)

LOL, I didn?t think anyone was going to spot that! My plans where delivered before the fork update. Vern, do you recognize the cowling inlets in the last pic? That texture map came from a picture I took of C-FVRL in Langley.

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Are we able to fly without engine cowling as well? That would be different to other models...

But it's nice to hear that the project hasn't stalled and keeps going. Hopefully you get it ready before winter -- I don't know about your winter but temperature here can be easily around -20 C (~0 F). So flying simulator is maybe more fun than going to the field on those days.