
Well Known Member

I'm trying to draw the hold required for my ACS ignition switch in cad so that I can have my panel cut on a water jet. The problem is the little key that indexes the switch. I want to have the key in the panel so that everything stays lined up, but I'm struggling to determine the odd angle of the key (as best I can measure it's 20* down from the horizontal), and I can't seem to draw the little key tab in cad.

Perhaps someone on this forum has already solved this problem and can send me a cad drawing with the hole for the switch. I would very much appreciate it.

draw orthogonal and then rotate

I'll try to help. I will assume you are using an Autocad based 2D bootleg or freeware and are not a daily CAD user. Please don't be offended if this is not correct.

Off orthogonal CAD construction can be a pain sometimes. I am not using a rotary key switch in my panel so I have not drawn that particular hole geometry.

If it is a circle with a radial rectangular keyway at the 20 deg you mention, then you can draw the complete hole with the keyway vertical or horizontal and then use the rotate command snapped to the center of the main hole to turn it to the 20 deg angle as the last operation.

Another option is to draw a radial line, at 20 deg, from circle center out past the circle diameter that creates the centerline of the keyway. Then use the offset command to create the sides of the keyway and another offset of the base circle to define the length of the keyway. See below for help in squaring up the keyway end.

Assuming you are learning and using CAD just for the panel, I suggest that you search the help/tutorial files on the "snap" or "snap to geometry" functions: Intersection, Perpendicular, Center, etc because they are critical to accurate CAD modelling and also read about typing relative coordinates (this is how you draw a 20 deg line directly)

A quick trick to square up the keyway end if drawn using offset is to draw a line perpendicular to the 20 deg line ANYWHERE and then move it to the desired spot at the end of the keyway. You will need to use the "per", "end" and "int" snaps for this operation.

When you master this, then go after the Altimeter cutout. :eek: That will be a good test of budding CAD skills :)

Good Luck!
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If you'll send me the diameter of the switch hole, the width of the keyway and the depth, I'll draw it up and send it to you. You could even sketch it, scan it as PDF and send it to me if you'd like. rvpilot"at"carbotech.com
Bill, Bill,

Thanks for the thoughts and offers.

Over the last few months I've been working on this on and off and I'm getting much better at cad.

The key was giving me a hard time, but Bill's suggestion of making it on the horizontal and rotating the object worked perfectly.

Now that I've printed it out and put the face plate over it, I see that it's not quite right side up (I think it's 25* instead of 20*) but that is easy to fix.

acs switch

drill the hole to size and purchase an extra face plate ( $1.75). Rivet the extra plate on the rear of the panel with counter sunk rivets from the front.
It's a lot simpler than trying to leave a index tab.