
Active Member
I would appreciate any suggestions/ideas on the routing and location of the cabin heater control and cable and the manual elevator trim control.

Manual Elevator Trim Control

On the RV-8 my buddy and I are building we put the manuel elevator trim control down along the left side of the aircraft and mounted the control knob just to the left of the instrument panel (on the instrument panel frame). Making the 180 bend from the control knob to the back of the aircraft looks harder than it is, if you take the cable loose, run the control cable back to the tail, and then install the control knob in the cutout and hook them back together.

We are going to mount the contol cable for the pilot heat on the opposite side of the instrument panel frame (right side) and put in an air vent for heat to the passenger that blows warm air up over the pilot's left shoulder to the back.

Thx for the feedback. Is your trim control on the LH sub panel? My sub panel has the mag switches, elt etc so I have no room for the trim knob. I think I?m restricted to fabricating a bracket to the LH gear leg box or the bottom of the panel.

I'm also going to route the heater control to the RH.

The plans call for the trim to go on the left sub panel. You may have an issue with cable length if you place it elsewhere. Still possible but you might want to take that into consideration. You could fab a bracket to place it below the panel or move it to the right panel or go with electric trim.

I used a piece of 3/4 inch PVC pipe abou one inch long with about a 30 degree cut in the middle to deal with the angle of the panel and the cable.
Right now a bracket looks the best solution.
Note to self when building my next 8 :) leave room on the LH subpanel for manual elevator trim.
The electric trims I find too sensitive - I like the finesse of the manual.