
Well Known Member
Today I started working on the baffle kit that came with Vans FWF. The cabin heat appears to be behind the #3 cylinder directly behind and about an inch from the #3 fuel injector. Is anybody else concerned about the slim possibility of injecting raw fuel or even fuel vapor into the heating system? Just seems like a strange place to get the cabin heat intake air.

Historically I am not aware of anyone having a problem. I am sure that if you have a leaking fuel injector you would be made aware of it VERY QUICKLY especially if it is number three!

Otoh, it is a really good place to pull the positive pressure from because it is probably the warmest spot on all the cylinders and could use the air circulation back there to allow some flow around the (for most people) hottest cylinder.

I know a guy who had to move his cabin air intake up to the forward baffle ramp on the right inlet and his heat is lukewarm compared to the heat in the six I am flying.

Hope this helps!

:cool: CJ

Historically I am not aware of anyone having a problem. I am sure that if you have a leaking fuel injector you would be made aware of it VERY QUICKLY especially if it is number three!

Otoh, it is a really good place to pull the positive pressure from because it is probably the warmest spot on all the cylinders and could use the air circulation back there to allow some flow around the (for most people) hottest cylinder.

I know a guy who had to move his cabin air intake up to the forward baffle ramp on the right inlet and his heat is lukewarm compared to the heat in the six I am flying.

Hope this helps!

:cool: CJ

Not so!
I just moved my heat intake from the rear #3 baffle to the front #2 to facilitate installing inverted oil. Absolutely no change in volume, or temp! I also had 2 muffs in series and now just have 1.
Not so!
I just moved my heat intake from the rear #3 baffle to the front #2 to facilitate installing inverted oil. Absolutely no change in volume, or temp! I also had 2 muffs in series and now just have 1.

Hmmm... Jon, the guy with the 7 that I know has two muffs in series too!

It is still colder than the 6!

We attributed it to the intake being on the front ramp.

Go figure!

:confused: CJ