Mark Albery

Well Known Member
I'm getting close to completing the 'other' project and know that the CDTFA will want their pound of flesh.

I found the form online for paying use tax, but it asks for a date of purchase and price paid. I have a collection of receipts and sales orders with different dates, some with CA sales tax already paid and some out of state.

Has anyone here recently been through this process and can point me in the right direction?

Another aside: has anyone got a reasonable Phase 1 test area out of Hayward?
My story

When I sent in the form for the use tax, I put the total I paid for all the kits and avionics, then subtracted the kits I purchased when living outside California and omitted things I bought used (like the engine). I believe the purchase date I used was the day it officially became an airplane.

I sent in all the receipts from Vans and Stein, with the dates and my address at the time highlighted. I also included my tax forms where I showed Use taxes paid. A check was included for the remaining taxes I owed which was only for the finishing kit and avionics.

Well, they seemed to ignore the giant packet of information I provided and sent me a bill for the cost of everything minus what I wrote the check for.

I was shocked when I saw the bill and was pretty anxious/upset, and they expected it paid within 10 days. I had to call the tax office and when the person who handled my case eventually called me back I had to explain everything. She was very courteous, listened to everything I had to say, and said she would look more closely at everything and call me back. A week after that phone call I got an updated bill that showed I owed $0.

Perhaps a detailed cover sheet would have helped in my case.