Any thoughts on a C-yoke vs Alligator pneumatic squeezer? I couldn't seem to find any comparisons on any other threads.

I'm trying to piece together a tool kit. yah know the "slow build" tool kit assembly method.


I had a surplus alligator one and didn't like it.
By design, the geometry does not "squeeze straight", except for one single ending point of the jaws.

Unless the alligator one is much cheaper, go for the more common C-frame.

gil in Tucson

BoomerSooner said:
Any thoughts on a C-yoke vs Alligator pneumatic squeezer? I couldn't seem to find any comparisons on any other threads.
Brad, This topic certainly qualifies as a classic never ending debate. Over the years and because of my work in aircraft production, I have used a wide range of both types of pneumatic squeezers......not just extensively but VERY extensively. In addition, I personally own two C-types, a single piston and a double piston, and I also own an alligator type. Since I own both types and have no axe to grind one way or the other, I can offer you a unique perspective. Personally, I vastly prefer the utility an alligator offers. The alligator squeezer will reach 95% of the areas a C-squeeze can AND then go on to reach areas a C-squeeze cannot. Here is a thread I started to illustrate the point.
I should qualify my remarks by saying my alligator type has a deepish 2" throat...unlike many alligator squeezers with a smaller throat depth design. That 2" depth gives my squeezer a great deal more utility that those with a shallower design depth.

Occasionally you will hear the argument that the jaw geometry of the alligator prevents perfect alignment when closed. I can assure you...that notion is totally bogus. Were it so, the alligator type would have been banned from the production environment decades ago. Properly set up, an alligator squeezer performs as well and for my money, better than a "C."