
Well Known Member
After having the good fortune to beg, borrow, and steal (mostly steal) various ideas and techniques from the VAF and a few other builder web sites the last couple of years, I finally get to add my own thoughts.

Anyway, I am working on an RV-8 and in particular, doing the riveting work on the top edge of the aileron and flap spar. After I finally got all of the various components smoothed down, drilled, de-burred, primed, marked, and then clecoed back together, I was eager to do some actual riveting work.

But before proceeding I checked VAF and several builders web sites for ideas/guidance, but I did not see anything that I could clearly relate to.

However, I kept thinking that back-riveting would be the ideal way to proceed, but I could not think of a way to actually to do it.

But after putting on my thinking cap a bit, I developed a way using a block of steel that is flush with the surface of my riveting/dimpling table and a slightly modified item called a ?C-Set? riveting tool. I got this tool from Avery, but it is available from several other suppliers as well.

One has to grind down the forward edge of the tool a bit in order for it to be used in the way that I used it, however it does work quite well at reaching around obstructions and it does allow one to do the riveting work solo.

Please post any questions that you may have on the exact process used and/or if you would like to see some photos of the work done.

Thanks much!