
Well Known Member
I haven't had a passenger since check pilot days so I am simulating aft C of Gs using next years lawn fertilizer before I do. To get it close to a rear passenger C of G I put two bags in the rear baggage compartment and one in the passenger seat - C of G is 83.77 aft of datum (range is 78.7-86.82) with full fuel and 11lb in forward baggage compartment. The aft baggage compartment has 88.4 lb in it which is over the 75 lb total design limit and the 50 lb lower area limit. Does this really matter since the C of G is within range? I feel the ballast is more secure in the aft baggage compartment than loading more in the passenger seat and possibly interfering with the stick if the worst thing happens.

Here are pictures of loading;

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I placed two 30 lb sand bags in the aft compartment. So ten lbs over.

The rest of the weight was added incrementally in 30 lb bags to the rear seat. I put the sand bags inside of pillow cases to contain any spillage and strapped them into the rear seat... the shape of the sand bags lent themselves to be strapped tightly to the seat back.

I also removed the rear stick for a 'just in case'

I liked the 30 lb bags because it let me creep up on aft cg.

Good luck ... its a different airplane with the CG aft.

BTW... I like those baggage tie downs !

Depending on what your definition of "trials" is, be aware that adding a bunch of weight in the aft compartment will result in a very different MMOI than really "simulating" a passenger with realistic weight in the back seat - despite the CG being identical. Not a big deal if you are just looking for trim effectiveness, but can be a very big deal for spin recovery or other dynamic maneuvering.
I don?t plan on doing any spins or other dynamic manuevers with ballast for aft C of G just want to get the effect on landings.
Same here.

We did the testing with cases of oil and cases of drinks so we would be able to use it up and not have sand or corrosives in the plain. As best I can remember we loaded to 50 lbs. over gross, 15 Lbs. in front of forward C.G. and 15 Lbs. aft of most rearward C.G.. But all that was with each station loaded correctly and tied down. We only tested at these weights and positions in faze one and a one time test before we would let anyone ride in this aircraft. The aircraft behaved very well and was more than controllable in "standard limits" flight and stalls. As it was loaded to full weight it was sinking quite a bit but nothing a fat and heavy C 210 would not do on final. Doing this very carefully gives us confidence that the airframe will do and handle the set out limits from Van's and we got to see how it would handle at those limits in order to get a feel for them. It is a good airplane. Always respect the "aerobatics envelop" and you will like what you find. Hope this helps, Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
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Thanks guys. I'll change my loading so as not to exceed the aft baggage compartment limit and put more weight in the rear seat, with the rear stick removed for added safety & piece of mind.

I'm going back 1" at a time with C of G.