
Well Known Member
Well, after 6 plus years of hammering away (figuratively ... most of the time) at the project, Shirley and I are proud to announce that GOFM, our RV-9A, has had air under its wings today. Around noon today, engine was started after a thorough preheat, and I was off the runway in no time. It was a total non-event (yeah, that means it's a good thing) ... mainly due to my transition training with Ted C. A big THANKS to you, Ted.

Andy (GNDY) monitored my orbits around Carp airport - CYRP (... just in case of worst case scenario), and did this for a good 1 1/2 hours. Thanks Andy P. and Bill R. for the support.

GOFM's O-320 got a good 2 1/2 hrs engine run-in over three flights, keeping CHTs below 400 F. Non calibrated/verified speeds was about 147 kts at 2500 rpm / 2200 feet / -7 C, no fairings at all. Of course, at these settings, it sucks big time ... 10.5 gph full rich fuel flow. Ran the engine at 2400 rpm most of the time.

On my last flight, I tested how true it flew, and it was completely hands off. Next flights will explore other flight envelopes.

Not out of the woods yet, as I have a mechanical VSI that is inop, and GPS unit that is resetting on me. That's part of what the 25 hours is

Looking forward to more good days for flying. Thanks to all on the list, and like everyone says ... keep plugging away, it's well worth it.


Bet you're still grinning! Congratulations on one of life's greatest milestones!
Alfio, congratulations! You'll love the airplane.

One thing of note, however: it sounds like your carburetor is running lean. With those CHTs in -7c ambient and the modest fuel flow the evidence is that you will need to rejet the carb.

I did this because my CHTs were well over 400 (up to 435) during climbout in January during my first flights. I could not detect any discernable leaning. The fix was to send my carb to Bart Lalonde for rejetting. This dropped the climbout CHTs appreciably.

Of course, January in Vancouver means well above freezing. Nevertheless, we have snow and -6c here now.

In the end, it took about 200 hours to get my a/c all dialed in and set up exactly the way I want, with all of the toys and options.

You're going to have a lot of fun.

Congrats again,
congratulations....a child is born

Well, after 6 plus years of hammering away (figuratively ... most of the time) at the project, Shirley and I are proud to announce that GOFM, our RV-9A, has had air under its wings today. .

Alfio....another Canadian RV to add to the books:)...congratulations ! Hope to see "Oscar Fox Mike" at this end of the country some day....
you got her up for the maiden flight!!! congrats!!!:)

hope you get some warmer weather over there to continue on with the flights! well at least warmer than -10c!
-25 over here now!! and the skiing is still terrible!!:(

congratulations fellow canuck

Great to see another RVer from the great white north. Enjoy the aircraft, it just keeps getting better.
Mark Mercier
Vancouver, BC

Thanks for all the kind words guys. Yes, Shirley and I have an ear to ear grin :D

We have met some great people along the way, who were eager and willing to help in any way. Thanks. What a great way to make new friends. (how did people build airplanes before the internet?)

Vern: will monitor the CHTs, and see what action I will need to take after the breakin period. Aerosport should be able to provide me with some tests to confirm anything.

Jamie: boy you guys are quick. I had updated my signature within a minute or two of my first posting !!

Congrrats on the first flight! What an accomplishment!!
I am in the "waiting to build" stage and it is reports like yours that keep the fires burnig!! :)

Keep us up to date as you gain additional flight experience!!:p

Gerry Peterson
Merritt Island, FL

"Sitten on the fence between an RV-9 and an S-19"