
Well Known Member
Proud to report that as of 12:45 CDT today I am the possessor of a genuine airworthiness certificate for N385TE. No pictures, no flourish of trumpets, no drum roll ... just a very BIG day after 6 years of building. I have another 1.8 hrs of transition training to complete and then we'll see if her "wings 'n things" all play nicely together. :D:D:D
(I have a million thank you's to express, but I'll wait til first flight to do that.)

Good thing its finally done. Enjoy your transition training and then fly it.

When are we meeting with the wives on Mackinac for drinks? Let me know when free to roam with it and lets celebrate somewhere, first round is on me.

Blue skies.:D
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CONGRATULATIONS TERRY!!! Send a photo of that RV grin when you take it out for the first flight:D!!!!



I was pretty confident that there would be no problems at the inspection. Your attention to detail is obvious and your end product looks great!

Next big thrill will be one that you will always remember---something incredibly thrilling and rewarding--when that 9a jumps off the runway. Finish up that transition training--be focused/serious but enjoy the experience!!

Again, congratulations and of course,



I know how you feel! Mine just flew today also.

Congrats enjoy the flying