
Well Known Member
DJ, Jensie, and I are sad to announce the passing of the founder of Cleaveland Aircraft Tool and the head of our family. We have missed him for many months as he was failing from dementia and now we are mourning the physical loss. I have been extremely blessed to work with my dad for nearly 20 years, an education that can come through no other way, and a bond that only grew stronger as we spent so much time together. This will be only the third Oshkosh that he will miss since I was a small child. He will be there with us in memory, and we would be honored to hear your memories of him as you come by. Full obituary on our website at:

- Mike Lauritsen


Please accept my condolences on the loss of your father. I did not know Buzz personally but know him and your family through the fine reputation he established for your business.

I know you all have scores of wonderful memories of your dad and may they bring your family comfort in the days to come.

Warmest regards,
When I started building in 93 your father was very helpful and was always able to answer my basic tool and build questions in a very constructive manner. My thoughts are with you.
Buzz Lauritsen

Mike, my condolences to you and your family in you loss. Although I never met Buzz, I have dealt with you and your company since I started building in 2003. The integrity and enthusiasm that I experienced in each of my tool orders are a reflection of Buzz. I think there is a little bit of him in all your customer's aircraft.

Buzz was a great guy and a big part of the early RV building scene. Sad to hear of his passing. Blessings to all of his family.
Very sorry to hear this. Spoke with your Dad several times at OSH over the years. He will be missed.

Seattle area
-4, wings
Mike, DJ and family:
My sympathies for your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Mike, your dad gave you a legacy you can be very, very proud of.
Cleveland Tool is a cornerstone of tool suppliers to home builders everywhere. Sorry for your loss.
I only met your Dad once or twice. Brief conversations at Oshkosh as I bought a tool or something. But I remember that he built a Grand Champion RV-4 that showed me exactly what was possible back when I was hacking together my -4 back in the day when you practically had to mine your own bauxite to build one.

Today to win a grand champion you just sped a lot of money. Back then you crafted the thing.

The commitment to excellence he exhibited then was apparent from anyone who ever bought a set of tank dies from your company.

A fine legacy indeed in a age where flash and self-promotion often trump quiet determined commitment to just "do things right".

The community has lost a true pioneer in the advancement of our shared passion.
I learned to fly because I wanted to fly. I fly now because of people like your dad. It's not the plane for me anymore. It's the people. I'm lucky to have encountered your dad -- and the rest of your family -- on occasion. Deepest sympathies from the north country.
Good by Buzz

Great guy , enjoyed working with him, and learning from him, he told me you can build a plane ! Thought of him while using the first edition main squeeze.
Hope Buzz got to drive his Vet as much as he wanted.
All the best Buzz, you did it right
Peter Cavallo

Please accept our deepest condolences from everyone in Twin Cities RV Club. I have known him since the early days and his beautiful RV-4 was always a testimonial to his craftsmanship. May God bless you, DJ, and the rest of your family.
Sorry for your loss.

To Mike and the whole Cleaveland crew.
Buzz, set the standard high for quality and service.
He was an example that will be extended in his family and people that worked with him.

I wish things were different, I wish that our parents would always be around, but it is not to be for any of us.

We may still have Hope!

1st Thessalonians 4:13-18

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Thank you!

Thank you everyone for the condolences and memories. The memorial was outstanding with hundreds in attendance. Rain broke up and several local RVers put together a missing man formation with Buzz's airplane flying off. Very touching. As the clouds were parting and Jim was getting ready to fly Buzz's plane this photo was taken.


He later commented, "I think Buzz was in there with me"

Your father, along with the rest of the Company, have made major contributions to the RV builders in ways that will always be remembered and will continue to last as long as airplanes are being built. That is quite a legacy to leave behind!
We all are very appreciative for the quality of services and tools you provide.

Our condolences for you and your family, and our sincerest thanks at the same time!

Vic & Carol
Buzz was right


I remember talking to your father in the early 1990's during the construction of my first airplane. I had dimpled the tank screws with another competitiors #8 dies and ended up with a pillow effect between the screw holes. I didn't want to pop for another set of #8 dies, but he told me "you want to build it as good as you can don't you?" and I bought the dies and was amazed at the difference they made. It was always great fun to see everyone at Boone year after year. He will be remembered.

Steve Ciha
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I don't remember ever giving a refund because someone couldn't tell the difference.
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