
Well Known Member
Somewhat RV related so stay with me.
A co-worker is thinking about buying a completed and flying EAB aircraft. He has never owned/built anything experimental before so his entire knowledge base is with certified aircraft. I find myself answering a million questions (the latest one being "the seller says ADs don't apply to experimental aircraft, what's up with that?") so I am wondering if there is a good resource out there for the certified world to study up on transitioning to an experimental. I tried searching various publications and websites but none had what I considered to be a comprehensive resource. Most articles had the basics of check on insurance, get a good pre-buy, get transition training etc etc etc. That is true of any aircraft purchase. What was missing was experimental specific stuff like make sure the Ops Limits are with the airplane. The kind of things that a certified guy wouldn't necessarily know to ask.

So, here is my question. Does this comprehensive knowledge base already exist somewhere in a single place? If so, where?

If it doesn't exist perhaps we should take it upon ourselves to assemble the info and then post it with a sticky somewhere on the site. I am happy to compile the knowledge but I freely admit to not knowing everything there is to know so I would be looking for input from the group.