
Active Member
Hey guys,

I am just looking for a bit of advice. I am wanting to build a side-by-side RV. I found this ad in Barnstormers. I have talked to the owner and he is the original purchaser. The project seems well organized and documented. The wing and tail kits were purchased in '95. I know all the differences between the -6 and the -7. I want to know if there are any things that should be of concern from the age of the kit. The wing tanks are factory built. Would they be "sloshed", and is that a concern? Also, it is not the later -6 tail. Does that mean that the airplane shouldn't be spun or is it just a more proactive recovery?

I know this thread could go anywhere, but I am trying to be specific. My goal in building is to be cheap, light, and simple and I don't think that it gets much better than the -6. See any red flags? Thanks for the help.


RV6/6A WING & TAIL KITS ? $2,995 ? AVAILABLE FOR SALE ? RV6/6A Tail & Wing kits for sale. Tail is 98% complete. LH wing ready to close, aileron and flap complete. RH unstarted. Phlogiston prebuilt spars and prebuilt fuel tanks. All plans, instructions, and floor mounted steel wing jig included. ? Contact Scott W. Engelhart, Owner -
Fuel tanks were not "sloshed" after about '93.
The larger rudder was for better spin recovery. I have the early, non-counterbalanced rudder and spin recovery is somewhat delayed after a 3+ turn spin. It still recovers fine, it just takes a little longer.
Most of us -6 drivers like the looks of the earlier "Classic" vertical tail.
Check it out

I built and flew my RV6 for about 900 hrs before selling and doing an 8.
It was a 1994 kit and I loved it, old style tail and all.
In checking this one out, make sure you have all the parts that came with the wing and tail kits. Also, check for any corrosion that may have started during storage, especially with the steel parts. (Weldments, nut plates, bolts and nuts. These may not have been primed or otherwise protected.)
Otherwise, age shouldn't affect anything.
I bought my quick build kit with assembled tanks in 1996

I bought my quick build kit with assembled tanks in 1996 they are not sloshed. Until I read Mel's post I wasn't aware that they ever were. I also have the short tail 6 made for speed and I love it. When I built the plane and rigged the rudder I nestled the leading edge of the rudder cap inside the vertical stabilizer cap - the wind has nothing catch so less drag. I don't spin so I can't address that issue.

One thing that you should be aware of if it was a quick build kit the early set of wings had a discrepancy at the aileron mounting bracket attachment to the rear spar. My kit was number 62 I believe and the bracket and the spar were pre-drilled - the problem was the spar and the bracket had a different number of holes. One had three holes and one had four holes and they did not align properly. I made a mickey mouse fix involving double flush rivet plugs that I was not happy with but planned to live with and notified Van's of the problem. They were aware of the problem and told me of the fix they had developed which was much better. The fix involved drilling holes oversized to pick up the full hole in both mating parts and using screws which they provided to install the brackets instead of rivets. If yours is not one of the early quick builds this probably does not apply.

There are several nuisance items dealing with the various engine installations like the Filter Air Box does not fit between the carburetor and the nose gear strut on my "A" model with a Lycoming O-360-A1A. You just have to work through these little problems. I cut off the rear off the FAB in a plane parallel to the angle of the nose gear strut but did not interfere with the filter and fiberglassed the cutout to reclose the FAB and that worked fine.

Another little difficult part in the pre prepunched kits was drilling the wing skins in such a way that the rivet holes lined up with the rib centers and avoided all flutes. I took a large sheet of dimensionally stable tracing paper and taped it to the wing and traced everything I needed to show me that when the skin was aligned with the wing where the ribs and centers were. I taped that onto my skin, laid out the hole pattern avoiding the flute locations and drilled directly through paper and aluminum sheet into my work bench and clecoed every hole as I went. I used a Sharpy to mark the centers of the actual ribs and when the shin was held in place the holes and centerlines matched up perfectly. From there on it was standard hole prep and riveting procedure.

There is more work to these older kits but they are worth it. It is a great airplane. In the last race at Taylor Texas I average 224 mph in mine with a stock O-360-A1A engine with 8.5:1 pistons.

Bob Axsom
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Wow, Thanks for the Fast reply

I really appreciate the help guys. I will keep my eyes out for any signs of corrosion. the owner states that the shop that the project is currently located is the same shop that he received the delivery from vans. He claims all parts are theren in good shape. If it is as the owner states, I am going to be on my way building a -6!
Used RV -6 Kit

If you inventory it well it should be ok. Consider getting a EAA tech advisor to look at it with you. Join your local EAA chapter and you'll probably find that there is someone there building one, or perhaps someone who knows the project.

Double check to see that the spars are not messed up, they are the biggest worry.

Have fun!

Fuselage former and 4 steel doublers essential

Because each spar set was custom drilled, you must have the fuselage former that matches the spars as well as four 1.75" x about 18" steel doublers that were also match drilled. These were shipped with the wing kits as I recall. You also need about 30-40 high strength bolts.
Because each spar set was custom drilled, you must have the fuselage former that matches the spars as well as four 1.75" x about 18" steel doublers that were also match drilled. These were shipped with the wing kits as I recall. You also need about 30-40 high strength bolts.

Yep! I inspected one RV-6 that was "ready to fly" and had two of the steel doublers missing. The builder had to make his own. Fortunately he had access to a machine shop and heat treating process, so everything turned out well.
You guys are the best

Well, I am going to go for it. I have an enclosed trailer hooked up and I am leaving early tomorrow morning to go get the kit. I have had several long conversations with the owner and I have addressed all of the concerns. The kit has been in a good shop with no corrosion. The spars were prebuilt so the only way they could be messed up is if he messed them up somehow, but according to him, everything is in excellent condition. We should be able to do a pretty good inventory. The wings are not quick build so no issues there.

I have helped my dad build his -7 wings and tail, so I have a good idea of what to be looking for as far as workmanship. Also, I am graduating as an Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineer in May so this whole thing is not completely new to me. However, I am sure I will rely on you guys to help me out as we move forward.

Finally, if the whole thing isn't as advertised, I will just walk away. While there is definitely excitement about the whole prospect, getting into a "bad" project is not something I am willing to do. I will reply on here in a couple days if I come back with a pile of aluminum. I suspect some pictures will be in order as well:D

Thanks Gil!

I think you will find this supplement to Vans instructions a great help with the non-pre-punched kits -


Those notes are perfect timing.

I am going to be riveting my fuselage starting on the last day of this year.

It will be a great checklist to go over before the little buckers get to it.:eek:

I appreciete how well the author has listed it all in functional deatail:)

All, Y'all have a great New Year.
I bought it!

Eighteen hours of driving, two hours of snow removal, and three hours of loading (and some money) earned me the privilege of being an RV-6 builder. Unfortunately, I got caught up in getting things done and the camera stayed in the bag. On the bright side, the workmanship on the one wing completed and the tail looks great and the project was well organized. I have the kit in storage at my dad's shop until I graduate college on May 7th. Then I need to move to Olathe Kansas and find a house with a garage! In the mean time I still need to find a ride in an RV-6. I might be getting ahead of myself by becoming a builder without ever flying in an RV, but 7000+ people can't be wrong! If anyone has an rv-6 in a couple hour radius of Longview, Texas let me know.

Welcome to Olathe

Sounds like you bought the same type of kit I bought years ago . Franks Justice's instructions are really helpful.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a house with a garage here in Olathe, finding a hangar will be the challenge.

We also have two great places for any fittings, aluminum, hardware, etc you might need: B&B in Gardner, KS and AirpartsInc in Merriam, KS. EAA 868 in Olathe has a lot of active builders.

Good luck and welcome to Kansas.

Finish Kit
Eighteen hours of driving, two hours of snow removal, and three hours of loading (and some money) earned me the privilege of being an RV-6 builder. Unfortunately, I got caught up in getting things done and the camera stayed in the bag. On the bright side, the workmanship on the one wing completed and the tail looks great and the project was well organized. I have the kit in storage at my dad's shop until I graduate college on May 7th. Then I need to move to Olathe Kansas and find a house with a garage! In the mean time I still need to find a ride in an RV-6. I might be getting ahead of myself by becoming a builder without ever flying in an RV, but 7000+ people can't be wrong! If anyone has an rv-6 in a couple hour radius of Longview, Texas let me know.


Glad to see you bought it. I did about the same a few years back, had a great time building it. I will get to Longview in the next few months, I have a very dear cousin that lives there I need to visit. Send me your tel. # and I will call you, maybe get you a ride in mine.