I'm New Here

I have read the RV7 plans and wanna go ahead with it. I found a person close to my location who wants to sell his QB kit for a RV-7 at a small discounted price. He provided me the plane assigned serial number and told me all the boxes are unoped.

Is that a bad idea ? Does anything changes for Vans ? (Can i send them a letter to update the owner information they have on the kit ?) Are there any pitfalls ?

should be no problem

I purchased my plane in partial assembled condition. Van's will work with you as long as you sign the waiver that is in the review plans. They will move the serial number to you and at least for the US, will send YOU the offficial "Bill of Sale" for when the plane is complete and is ready to be registered with the FAA as a real plane, rather than a pile of parts.

Just be sure you have all the parts and packages, and they have been treated well and not exposed to something to cause corrosion, etc. He should have the shipping inventory sheet.
You also need to get a signed bill of sale from the original buyer. Ask him for a copy of his purchase invoice and reference his builder number shown on such invoice on the bill of sale you have him sign. Send a copy of such bill of sale to Van's Aircraft and ask them to change their ownership info into your name and that is the end of the matter.


I have read the RV7 plans and wanna go ahead with it. I found a person close to my location who wants to sell his QB kit for a RV-7 at a small discounted price. He provided me the plane assigned serial number and told me all the boxes are unoped.

Is that a bad idea ? Does anything changes for Vans ? (Can i send them a letter to update the owner information they have on the kit ?) Are there any pitfalls ?

Not an issue

I bought my RV6 (slow build) that way. It wasn't an issue. Just inspect everything carefully. Better to have an experienced builder give it a look. I did not have to redo one item on the plane.

Both of my projects were purchased, "in progress," from other builders. Both were slow build. The advantages include, usually a great deal, more work done, no sales tax issues and an overall jumpstart on the project.

Use the Bill of Sale form from Van's and get it changed over. Piece of cake.

Make sure you do a pre-buy inspection either in person or by someone you know, trust and has the background to accurately evaluate.

I'd say, "Go for it."