
Active Member
Where is the best place to buy the Dynon EMS-D10 and EFIS-D10A? Time for me to buy and I have seen so many places to buy from. Do not know who provides best price and service. What lead time can I expect?

I am about to install the plastic covering on the wing tip NAV and strobe lights. The method that Vans details seams a little light on retaining screws. Has anyone did it different and what has their experience been?

First flight projected for 1st qt next year.
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Chief has the best price that I found for the 10A

$1995 for the 10A (which is cheaper than getting it directly from Dynon :confused: )

Some guys mount per Vans.
Some guys add additional screws top and bottom.
Some guys add additional screws bottom only.
2 Will Do

Larry said:
I am about to install the plastic covering on the wing tip NAV and strobe lights. The method that Vans details seams a little light on retaining screws.
Larry if you do a good job of fitting and trimming the lexan wing tip light cover you can get by with 2 screws per cover, one top/bottom in the corner. I found mine fit well but on one, bottom side there is a slight loose fit, but I figure after I paint it it will be tight. If not I may add an additional screw along the bottom edge (like above). I hope that helps. In other words, try to get by with as few screws as possible, and two per side, in the corners is the min. George
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Use tinnerman washers

If you do go with only 2 screws, my 2 cents is to use tinnerman washers to spread the load out a bit.

I've gotten by with 2 screws per side (one in the top corner, one in the bottom corner). It has survived hundreds of flight hours, a couple of flight tests past Vne, lots of yanking & banking.

Use more screws if it gives you warm fuzzies, but with a good fit it's not necessary imho.

Also, consider not riveting the nutplates in, but rather gluing/glassing them in place instead. That way you won't see the rivets on the outside (granted, filler/paint would hide that).

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (660 hours)

Check with Steinair or Both great to deal with.

Haven't flown yet but used 6 screws per lens to spread things out. I'll probably use tinnermans just for the looks.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ