
Well Known Member
I decided to make the best of the weather this past weekend and get a few things from my list accomplished inside the hangar that have been lurking over my shoulder. I have to admit to being a bit complacent the past few years and let my instrument currency lapse. Northern California is an easy place to let that happen with abundant sunshine and few reasons to feel the need to fly IMC. I used to fly a Socata Trinidad when living in Ft. Myers and filed IFR nearly every flight, feeling safer under the watchful eye of ATC. Well, I finally got my act together and practiced, re-learned, and took a combo IPC and BFR last week, passing both. As a reward, I purchased a second GTR-20 for my -9A. I always said that I wanted a second comm but just didn't get around to installing it. The threat of flying IFR was enough to get me in the mood to dive back under the panel and do this. So I called my friend and patient teacher Randy Throne to arrange some help. We updated my ELT to an ACK 406 and fixed that co-pilot PTT that didn't work since the panel upgrade (it helps if one actually attaches the ground..... oops). Last, we replaced the left side fuel sender that was going south. Everything went together and worked right out of the box. the ELT is registered, comm broadcasts and the PTT is happy with electrons moving in the right direction. All in all a very busy but successful and fun weekend in the hangar. Thanks Randy, I always enjoy working on the plane and learning the right way to do something.