[email protected]

Well Known Member
After a recent long cross country flying vacation covering nearly 7,000 miles I addressed a couple of issues that did not work quite as well as planned.

The biggest issue is in keeping a charge to your phone. I had installed a DC power plug in the panel that works fine when in flight but it was wired downstream from the master contactor... fine when the alternator is running but on the ground it draws several amps just to switch the master on... not the way you want to get a charge on a phone while camping.

With a battery and auxiliary buss co-located on the sub-panel it was easy to move the DC port power from the VP-50 over to the battery buss. I also moved the overhead LED light from the aux to the battery buss for the same reason... could not be simpler!

This arrangement has turned out to be especially useful.


The battery buss is feeding a power voltage monitor, the elt buzzer, the overhead light, and the panel mounted DC power point.
The auxiliary master buss has a breaker for a DIN power point, a power voltage monitor, and the starter contactor.
