
Well Known Member
Yup a long held dream, don't ask me why, was to use my 7a to travel for business.

Today I fialy knocked that one off....Just a 30 min flight from Corvallis Oregon to Camas Grove washington, through Portland international airspace, a lot of it in IMC.

Every now and then I caught a glimpse of the slow moving traffic on I205 while I was doing 200mph!....Waaahhhaahha!

Did it save much time?...Hardly...about 15 minutes (if the traffic was good)...But I was totally relaxed the whole way and arrived fresh!

Ya not a big deal....Just wanted to do it and violate my companys travel policy while I was at it...:)

Frank 7a
I do it quite often in a borrowed 172, and am looking forward greatly to it in m 9A. Currently I have a "wink wink" deal with my boss where I charge the company the going rate for Southwest airlines tickets and simply eat (or pocket) the difference, if any.

I travel somewhere within 1000 nm about twice a week, and it's wonderful being able to pick my destination and arrival/departure time. Wouldn't trade for it....
Rewards for the increase in risk and cost

This is something you can't argue logically with someone who hasn't done it. If you do it on a regular basis there is an enrichment of skill, attitude and quality of life that you alone will appreciate.

Enjoy but be careful.

Bob Axsom

Yes the currency is a big thing for me...I noticed yesterday as I was about to enter the clouds that i was getting anxious...Why?...well its been a month since i've flown in clouds.

It was just fine but i see why many IFR newbies let their IFR currency gets better, a few months without any actual IMC and the fear factor finally makes them VFR only jocks once again.

OK...Now looking for cloudy days to go fly, now that shoudn't be too hard in Western Oregon you wouldn't think....:)
