
I'm New Here
I am a little ashamed, but I have come here to beg for a ride in an RV-8 or any RV for that matter.... I live in Fort Worth and keep my plane at Hicks. I know there are a bazillion RVs looming behind those hangar doors - I would be most greatful for a ride. I would offer a ride in my 182 in return, but I am assuming nobody would give a flip about a Cessna ride if they own an RV.

Mr. Doug Reeves took me for my first airplane ride EVER! This was before his RV was finished and we were in a 172. I think Doug had recently acquired his PP cert back then, but I am unsure. After we landed I went right to a Pilot shop and bought a Jepp book, a headset, E6B, plotter, etc... and started flight training. 10 years later I purchased a 182, finished what I started so many years earlier, and now I already want something else....

I rode in an RV-6 one time that was built in Carlsbad, NM by a man that was apparently one of my neighbors growing up although we never crossed paths. I regret that his name escapes me at the moment (Pardue?). I got sick on that ride and through up in my mouth.... embarrassed I held it in there until we landed and I spit it out... I am much better acclimated to the movement of an airplane and I am not so worried about vomiting. I promise I won't eat if somebody offers me a ride.

I will gladly contribute a pro-rata share of expenses (plus an equal prorata tip - wink wink).

If the owner of Borrowed Horse is watching the forum - I would just like to stand next to your plane. I love that thing.
I was a lucky boy to stand by Borrowed Horse and the Rider Jay Pratt. :)


Welcome to the Force Eric!
Hi Eric...don't discount your 182 so quickly..

Just this morning, I was speaking with a friend who owns one. He offered to take my PT-6 gearbox to Indiana for a refresh/rebuild after 9,000:eek: hours of faithful service, if I can't get it in the rear seat of my -10.

The 182 with the de-rated 540 Lyc is quite a load hauler.

Both Jay Pratt (Borrowed Horse) and Danny King (Beautiful Doll) keep up with this forum, so I'm sure they will see your request. Danny is based at 52F, Jay is at Hicks. I'm sure they'd both be happy to help you out.

Welcome to VAF!!!!

Eric, welcome aboard VAF:D

I am positive you will get that ride soon-----as you said Hicks is got an RV or two.

Enjoy it.
I feel kinda guilty asking for a ride for some reason. I am not sure why - I am pretty eager myself to share the gift of flight if/when someone asks.

As a certified Private Pilot the only aircraft I have ever flown is my 182. I trainined in a Cherokee mostly and a little bit O 172. Now that I know what to expect I am really interested in the handling characteristics of the RVs.

Click on the picture above to see a view of me in the back seat of Borrowed Horse as we are taxiing for takeoff from our grass strip. It was great getting a chance to fly in the back seat with Jay. This was taken a couple of years ago before my RV was flying. Jay gave both my wife and me a flight in the back seat before he had to head back home on that particular day.

Go knock on his door at Hicks, I am sure you will find yourself in the back seat before you know it.

Just a caveat relating to your reported past experience with the aforementioned, ummm "upchucking". Be aware, that back seat is behind the wing so any drastic movement of the airplane about any axis will be immediately felt by your stomach. Go ahead, ask me how I know. :p
Ride In Beautiful Doll

If you can meet me at Northwest regional (52F) I'd gladly give you a ride in the Doll.

One day, I picked up a calculator and figured out that as a T-38 IP during my 7.5 year Air Force career, an then as a pilot for American Airlines flying the 727 and the 777 for the next 28 years, I've given over One Million airplane rides. I guess I can handle one more.


You say you purchaced a 182 and now want something else,,,,,?? is it a RV8?

My hanger door #584 is open most days. Why haven't you come in?
I am sure I can you up in the 'Borrowed Horse'.
And I love Cessnas too. I have a C180J 'Paul Revere' and have owned several more Cessnas.
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You RV folks are great!

I started my RV construction this year never having flown in an RV. I called Vans about a demo flight during Sun N Fun and they were willing to help but they were not gonna have an 8 tail dragger there and thats what I wanted to fly. I thanked them but passed. A couple of months ago my wife and I were returning from West Virginia and had stopped at Foot Hills Regional for some lunch and fuel. We had already finished everything and were taxing across to ramp for departure when I noticed an RV-8 Taildragger taxiing out also. I asked if the 8 was on frequency and he responded. I told him I had just finished my empennage and the wings were on order, he immediately came back with "to bad your leaving or we'd go flying today". "I can turn this thing around quick if your serious!" I said. "Of course I am" was the reply. We spent the next half hour with him teaching me how to do aileron rolls. It was the best day of my life! Thanks to Larry Falls of North Carolina........

You RV guys are a great bunch!
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Next time the wife and I head for Jekyll....

....we could easily stop and pick you guys up, since we have to dogleg over Jesup to avoid the restricted airspace.

You'll have many opportunities to give back once you're flying:)

Happy New Year..
....we could easily stop and pick you guys up, since we have to dogleg over Jesup to avoid the restricted airspace.

You'll have many opportunities to give back once you're flying:)

Happy New Year..

See there! Thats exactly what I'm talkin' bout! Thanks to folks like ya'll "General Aviation" will never die! I can't wait to make someones day...........

And thank you Pierre, we may just take you up on that. If all goes well with this build, I have thought I'd like a 10 next..............just finished my leading edges, now on to the I'm havin a ball.......

Just Holler!

Yep! That's him. I was pretty sure it was Larry Pardue, but it was so many years ago I wasn't sure. He did a sort of modified soft field super take-off that I was unprepared for. I was waving at my Father In Law on the ground when, at about 200mph in Ground Effect, Larry pulled the stick and sent us rocketing upward like I have never been before (or since). I couldn't hold my head up. :D

Jay - I think you are on the row I don't go down much (middle one?) - maybe when somebody is blocking a taxiway or because of the recent construction.

Offers from both Borrowed Horse and Beautifull Doll!! Excellent. To answer your question Jay, Yes the RV8 has piqued my interest. I am already trying to figure out how to sneak about $95,000 out of the old bank account.... Since that would be pretty much all of it and my wife wants a new house I am not sure that is gonna fly....