Kevin Phillips

I'm New Here
Hi all RV8ers & seasons greeting from OZ where the weather is hot (110 F) and the beer is cold.
I am a new member on this forum even though I have been watching it for many months. Myself and a couple of others from my aero club were at Oshkosh 2005 (RV Heaven Really!!!!!) and it was there that I finally decided that an RV8A was the plane for me and I am now looking forward with great anticipation to the arrival of my Quick build kit in about March! There was an RV8A called "Bullet Proof" on display in front of the Lycoming tent with an IO-390-X up the front and I am now wondering if anyone would have some contact details of the owner and if so could you send it to my Email [email protected].
See you at Oshkosh 2006 and keep up all the great work as I probably wouldn't have ordered an RV if it wasn't for this site1

Kevin Phillips
And if thats him, it looks like his son built a 4, 6A and 8A before him:

His son's EAA # APPEARS to be 320639 from what I can collect. This may not be enough to contact him, but it's all I got in 2 min of googling.
osxuser said:
His son's EAA # APPEARS to be 320639 from what I can collect. This may not be enough to contact him, but it's all I got in 2 min of googling.
"Beware the Google, for it is large and hungry, and you are small and tasty!"

A quote I saw in the IT press a few weeks ago that amused me. Sorry. :D
Thanks for the Help

Thanks all for your help. What was the world like before Google??? Isn't life strange, I have been tossing around what to do about a powerplant and after looking seriously at alternitive engines, including the Innodyn turbine, Delta Hawk Diesel & some others, I decided to conform with the majority and put in a Lycoming. Maybe the tried and true is best! Time will tell. Once again seasons greetings to all.
Kevin Phillips

Though I'm a few years away from that decision yet, I'm looking at the Superior engines. Mind you, aren't Lycoming bringing out a range for kitplane builders??
Yep, the IO-390X, the IO-360M1B, and the IO-540NXT, were all designed pretty much for the experiemental crowd.
nose heavy

The plane is going to be nose heavy and will run out of elavator on landings. I would consider a different engine than that.