
Well Known Member

Vlad caught me with this one so I thought I'd share it. Been trying to keep a low profile, OSHA disapproves of this stuff. If the little guys are unwilling to climb in the back, just throw a handful of Oreo Cookies in the Fuselage - takes care of any claustrophobia issues.:eek:
Oh, if you're wondering what the string is aroud the wrist, the other end is tied to the Bucking Bar, it stops it from hitting his teeth when he drops it. Any damage there and I can say goodbye to the EFIS. But wait - there's always Proseal.:rolleyes:
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:D I like this picture. At first I thought the young guy was tied to the airframe to keep him involved in the project.:D I was even looking for NJ Labor Dept phone ##. Now Robin you clarified everything. Excellent picture and you are a lucky guy to have such a helper!
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My kid was bigger than me so he drove the gun and I held the bucking bar LoL
And between us we did a pretty darned good job :)
Great father son bonding!
Jim Sharkey
You should put the string/bucking bar/wrist thing in the tips section. Am I the last guy to hear about it?

(tailcone work sometime soon)
Oh, if you're wondering what the string is aroud the wrist, the other end is tied to the Bucking Bar, it stops it from hitting his teeth when he drops it. Any damage there and I can say goodbye to the EFIS. But wait - there's always Proseal.:rolleyes:

PROSEAL his teeth back in! That's rich. LMAO!
If you don't have a child handy ...


then you can make do with a child-sized bride... ;)


By the way, we found that safety glasses were very necessary when bucking inside and looking up; amazing how much crud shakes down from 'clean' surfaces. Can't tell if the boy has any on or not.