
Well Known Member

Mike Heberling did his first run this cold evening here @ RV Central.

I would like to tell one on my self. The pilots I fly with are good sports and I love to kid them when they screw up. Well I do too, being human and all. My join up this Sunday will be famous for a while,.,.,! I missed, but did not hit any one!

Tonight Mike H. started his RV 10 first run,and it went to wide open throttle!!!!! and he shut it off??? He tried it again and the same, full throttle!!! too much fun!!!?
What is the problem here??? I had hooked up the mixture and throttle backwards. The go lever is on the left on a carb, and the go lever is on the RIGHT, on a Fuel injected..... Brain fade on my part. All is well now. It is fixed.
Boy, are the locals giving me some Sh#! you readers might as well pile on too. Grin,.,.,.,...
We ARE having fun here. Mikes RV 10 will be inspected after Jan 1, by Mel Asberry 972-784-7544. Mike will have a new 10 soon after! Stay tuned.

Doug stopped by and gave me the first Vansairforce T Shirt today. Cool!
Order yours tonight. from (1.800.OK.AVERY)

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Jay, you are one of a kind.

I'm sure you now owe Mike a dinner for stopping his heart, huh? :)

That overshoot on the joinup was done perfect - you went wings level and passed safely underneath just like the textbook says. No sweat, babe.

Can't wait to see that 10 fly. Who is chase? (I volunteer)

Merry Christmas all (note I didn't say 'Holiday'),

Chase Plane?


You will be the first to know. We have to get with Mel first.
We have to do some signs, too, dimmer and EXP. Where do you put those things???

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Jay, would you mind posting when you guys plan on taking the -10 up for its first flight. I'd like to be there (and meet some of you guys in the process)
First Flight Party


Flyerjumper has a good point! How about trying a to have a little get together for the first flight? Maybe announce it here as soon as you have a tenative date set?
First Flight RV10

Sure, I will post when I know something.
Mike is an American Pilot. His insurence co says he needs to get some dual first.
It may be a while before this happens.
You builders are welcome to drop in 9 to 6 week days. Weekends? I may be out flying with Doug....
Another opinion

Just a word of caution, Dick Rutan had this to say about first flights at a Dragonfly gathering a few years back.

Do the first flight WITHOUT an audiance. If you have a bunch of folks watching you might be tempted to go ahead and fly with a problem that you should really ground the pland and fix first.


If there are any "bugs" that may affect the flight, dont do it.

With that said, I wish you the best first flight possable. Congratulations.

Mike Starkey

"Dittos" As when speaking to Lush Rimbaaa...?

Right on!
We need no outside pressure when doing a test flight. Thanks guys, but Mikes right.
Please stop by anytime. I need the floor sweeped and some rivets bucked. You are needed. Grinnnnn

not me

Guys, thanks for the "Mikes right" comments, but they are not my ideas, I am just repeting what an incredably experianced and profecionaly trained test pilot said.

The credit belongs to Dick, not me.


Actually, The idea of not having a crowd at the first flight came long before Dick Rutan. It is a VERY old rule. When you talk with your Flight Advisor, this is one of the things stressed most. You should have a few very knowledgable people present in case of any anomallies that might pop up, but not a crowd.
Mel...DAR (and Flight Advisor)