
Well Known Member
Kyle Lewis and I were asked to do a little presentation at the local EAA chapter on the subject of building an RV-12. Rather than shuffle around hemming and hawing my way through it while standing in front of a crowd, I decided to make a slideshow based on the pictures I gathered during the build.

An EAA chapter isn't exactly a hostile audience, but public speaking is not something I relish. In fact, it's so bad that my wedding went something like this:

"Do you take this woman etc. etc. etc.?"
"Uh, I, uh.... what was the question again?"

So, here's my effort at compressing a three year project into 30 minutes. Rest assured, I am laboring under no delusions that I will soon be asked to deliver a presentation on the subject of making good home movies. Hopefully it's at least adequate.

Building an RV-12: The Movie
Fantastic video

Great work Dave. Skimmed this quickly - will be watching again in real time. Really well done video, lots of experiences that I thought were unique to some of us ...guess not. A must viewing for RV-12 builders!
Good Job!

Wow, Dave, this is really, really good. It'a a good motivator for folks like me who seem to have let other things get higher priority than finishing our RV. Even though I'm building a 7, I found this to be very motivating..

Thanks for taking the time to do this, and thanks for sharing it with us.
That is very very nice. Even though the airplane and kit is much different than my own ancient RV-6, this gives a great idea of what an amateur build is like and I related well.
I really enjoyed the video.

I'd say you're being very modest. Public speaking may not be something you relish, but your video certainly acquits you well: the "script", narration, timing, and humor are all excellent. I've seen work by so-called professionals that your video puts to shame...

I hope Doug adds the video to the "library" of VAF.
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I really enjoyed the video.

I'd say you're being very modest. Public speaking may not be something you relish, but your video certainly acquits you well: the "script", narration, timing, and humor are all excellent. I've seen work by so-called professionals that your video puts to shame...

I hope Doug adds the video to the "library" of VAF.
I guess it's a lot like the airplane itself. I look at it and still see all of the little things that I thought could have been better, things that other people probably don't even notice.

Thanks for the kind words!
Expect to read the word "excellent" a lot... I believe I used it in the comment I left on YouTube. Really enjoyed it. Hope to see you at OSH...
After watching Dave's presentation, it almost makes me want to build another airplane. Then I realize that even though my plane has flown, I will never finish it. There are too many little things that I want to do to it.
Van's Old VHS


Just the other day I found a copy of Van's VHS they put out during the introduction of the 6. (I threw the VHS player out years ago) Your video compared to Van's (from what I remember of Ken Scott's coverage) does put you in the professional category. They should consider you for advertising. Very well done.

Just the other day I found a copy of Van's VHS they put out during the introduction of the 6. (I threw the VHS player out years ago) Your video compared to Van's (from what I remember of Ken Scott's coverage) does put you in the professional category. They should consider you for advertising. Very well done.
I have one of those too, left over from the days of coveting an RV-4.
Your video compared to Van's (from what I remember of Ken Scott's coverage) does put you in the professional category.

In all fairness to Ken, the technology available to amateurs now a days is beyond what was available to even professional video production studios 25 years ago....