I am new to the forum. I am interested in building an RV-14. I would like start by going to a workshop as I start the build. Any suggestions? Thanks CHS

Hi Charles,
Sometime today you will see a reply in this thread from Mike S saying, "Welcome to the Good Ship VAF!" Well, I won't "steal his thunder"(yeah, right --MJS) but will just offer a simple "Welcome to VAF!" :)

I can't answer your question specifically, but I notice you live in Florida, and there are a lot of RV builders in Florida. By starting this thread you should get several replies with which you can begin to build a network. Since the RV14 is new, there may not be very many -14 builders yet, but the skills and techniques that it takes to build the other RV's should transfer to the build of the -14. A visit to two or three friends' RV projects, even if they are not -14s will help you to understand the cleco, drill, deburr, dimple, countersink, etc., processes necessary to build an aluminum airplane.

You've made a good start by signing in here and posting. Just keep posting and asking questions. Don't forget to visit the RULES that Doug has set up to keep us on track in these forums.
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I would suggest you spend a few days reading comments on the forum and archived topics that apply to you. Then go on the EAA website and find a chapter near you to get help and questions answered. If you tell us who you are and where you are then someone will steer you in the right direction.

John Morgan
I am new to the forum.

Hi Charles,
Sometime today you will see a reply in this thread from Mike S saying, "Welcome to the Good Ship VAF!" Well, I won't "steal his thunder" but will just offer a simple "Welcome to VAF!" :)

aboard the good ship VAF.

Don, thanks for covering for me;)---------doggone time zone stuff, you right coast folks just simply get up too early:D
I second the EAA workshops

I'm a first time builder (also an RV-14 .. please check out my blog).

My local EAA chapter is not very active, so I was pretty much on my own to start.

I did the EAA two-day Van's Aircraft RV Assembly course. It proved to be very useful and gave me the confidence to start. I'm now thousands of rivets into my build and feel even better about my ability to finish!

Best of luck and feel free to follow my blog or contact me for help.

This weekend I'm headed to Denver, Colorado for Troy Grover's workshop ( I actually went through Troy's workshop 4 years ago when I first considered building an RV and loved it. I was able to try out most of the tools and different manufacturers and Troy did a great job. Very informative and hands on. Now that I've actually purchased the 14 emp kit and all the tools I wanted to go through the class again. Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about starting and I know this will get me comfortable with all the riveting and doing it right. I also went through the EAA workshop 5 years ago but did so when I was at airventure. There were about 20 people in the class with only 1 instructor so I felt I didn't get much out of the class. When I went through Troy's class the 1st time, there were 6 of us. I'd highly recommend it.
Welcome to the world of EAB building. Where are you in FL? I am located in East Orlando and have half my empennage complete. I can give you an introduction to what we're up against.

I recommend the EAA sheet metal class because it goes farther than the RV assembly to add more skill set than you need. That other class in Colorado sounds excellent. Once you get a level of familiarity and then learn how to read this forum you are on a path to success.

Again welcome.

Thanks for the note. I will look for the EAA class. Any additional recommendations other than Grover, Synergy, EAA. What about builder assistance for hire? Thanks CHS
Thanks for the note. I will look for the EAA class. Any additional recommendations other than Grover, Synergy, EAA. What about builder assistance for hire? Thanks CHS

I have someone come help me periodically with some of the tougher tasks and can recommend him very highly. In fact he is coming at the end of this month to help me install the panel and complete all the wiring. He is retired military and is very skilled in building techniques, so he travels around and helps other builders where needed. I am not positive how many planes he has personally completed or helped with, but I know he has helped me shave many months off the build. His name is Dennis Millsap and PM me and I will give you his contact info.