
Well Known Member
My wing kit for the RV-12 will arrive any day now and I would like to set up a builder's web site on the net. My problem is I have an Apple computer.

Can anyone suggest a location for a web log ... program etc. I found ExperCraft but it is very limiting as to pictures one can post.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

You're right about expercraft. I've logged my RV7 emp build using it and my only complaint is picture limits. After an evening in the basement shop I come upstairs, download plane and kid pics, then watch the slideshow 2-3 times agonizing over which three pics will best represent the days build. Of course, I'll have the others available for review, and it isn't hard to keep them sorted in sequential files (rudder3...VS6, or whatever), but only three make the final cut. For me, the price and convenience offset this limitation, as I don't have aspirations of achieving Checkoway internet status. Good luck, and let us know what you decide on.

Max Self
RV7 N178LK (waiting on slow wings)
Try starting a Wiki. I'm just now converting my old website to one; the old one served me well but was a pain to update and edit. A wiki only requires a browser for updates. The size is only limited by your hosting package and the content is whatever you want within that limitation. I'm going through US Web Hosting & Design and paying $100/yr for all the bandwidth and storage I'll likely need. They even have their own wiki software ready for you to start using. I only used MediaWiki because it's free and we use it at Northern Arizona University so I have some familiarity with it. Oh, and just because most public wikis are editable by anyone, don't fret about your content. With a private wiki, you can set it so that guests can only view, leaving your content secure. You can check out my fledgling wiki at but don't be disappointed that my builder's section is still old-style; I've got a lot to convert yet.
Expercraft works for me

I use expercraft and really like it. I've found I rarely have more than 3 good pictures to put up for a days work. If you did, you could always link to an online slideshow.
Your Own Builders Log

Anyone can make thier own builders log using a web-based web site. You don't have to be a programer to do this! In fact you can have a blog coupled to it to make periodic entries of any kind and when ever you wish. How about 10 photos each time you enter. Search for a product like (50meg). On the website you can insert many pages about any thing including telling the world that you and your plane is better than sliced bread. For what it costs (LOW) it makes the other web site builders logs second rate. Any body then can call up your web site and see how your doing and leave messages. All it takes is having your address. A printed permanent printed copy can be gotten by simply printing it out after you enter. All this and I'm not a sales man.
I just use LiveJournal. You don't have to be a web designer to use it and it's free. The only drawback I see to doing it my way is that I host my pictures with another site (I use Facebook, but you could use Flickr or Picasa or any of the many other free hosting sites).

Check out the link in my signature if you'd like.
Guess I'll Use Blogger

Thanks for all your suggestions. I've decided to use Blogger ... seems like an easy program, it's free and I can post more than 3 pictures per post. Steve ... thanks again ... and I've added my site to my VAF signiture. Now I'll just have to wait for my RV-12 wings to arrive and for Avery Tools to offer the RV-12 toolkit. :)