
Hello community,

I'm a long time lurker and dreamer of the amazing craft you have/are building. It's time to step out of the shadows and start the journey myself. First I would like to meet some of you near falcon field or chandler airport that could shed some light on step one. I'll even gladly buck some rivets while I bend your ear. The problem I've found is I've never flown in let alone sat in either of my dream machines, the-10 or -7. If you have a flying version I would be happy to replace the 100ll for a trip around the patch.
Feel free to shoot me an email or text or call 480-236- eight five 3 won. There's a good chance I'm airborne so I'll play tag until we touch base. Thank you all

Sincerly , Shane Coffey
I'm at Stellar

Hi Shane,

I'm over at Stellar Airpark and have a 7 that is well along in the build process. My neighbor has a flying 7 that he can probably take you up.

You can contact me at [email protected]!!
I have a 10 at FFZ (one of at least 6 10's on the field), and am always happy to have hangar visits and/or give demo rides.

602 421 2868

Hangar DD1
Wonderful. Thank you both. I am on my way back from the northeast now and will be in touch soon. Thank you for the reply and opportunity