
Well Known Member
The Minn. wing of Van's Airforce occasionally has a builders' motivation day in which guys who've built RVs give rides to people who are building RVs.

What do you all think about organizing a NATIONAL builders' motivation day. I'd be willing to set up a database or something of willing flyers, and wanting builders and try to match people up.

It could be a real fun day.

Sounds good to me!

Man, I'd love to get a ride in an RV-8!

Either in Louisville (work) or NYC (home) :)

Make it a weekend

Make it a whole weekend instead of just a day. Can't give enough rides in just one day. (that's my 2 cents) But I like the idea of making it national, or why not worldwide?

Get Van's to post it on their site as well.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
First step I guess is to come up with a day, and then start collecting who can offer the rides, and match up the folks who want 'em.

Is there a liability issue here?
Sounds like a great idea to me. Surprisingly, I have yet to fly in one of these birds. I sure hope the almost 1200 hours I've put into it so far are worth it. ;)
Davepar said:
Sounds like a great idea to me. Surprisingly, I have yet to fly in one of these birds. I sure hope the almost 1200 hours I've put into it so far are worth it. ;)

Dave, Dave, Dave... you live three hours from Van's and no ride yet??? Get down there. They'll give you one. Even if it's only 20 minutes long, it's pretty cool.

I think it would be a good idea to match up builders with completed planes as well. My demo ride has been my only opportunity to date.


That makes me feel better! :D I'm partway into the wings and have never ridden in an -8 yet (rode in a -6 1y ago)!

-8 wings
Sounds like a great idea!

I'm sure there are a lot of builders out there like my son and I that have never ridden in an RV of any kind. We are just getting started and have the tail kit in hand and would jump at an opportunity for a ride. Motivation is always good! :)
Davepar said:
Sounds like a great idea to me. Surprisingly, I have yet to fly in one of these birds. I sure hope the almost 1200 hours I've put into it so far are worth it. ;)


I'm based out of PAE and I'll give you a ride in my -4. I'm busy this weekend but after that it opens up for me a bit.

Thanks for the offer Chuck. Andy Karmy offered a ride in his 9A. He's a bit closer, so I'll go with him.

I did drive down to Van's for a factory tour right before Thanksgiving last year. The weather was crummy, so I didn't ask for a demo flight. Plus the employees were lining up for a lunch feast. The 3.5 hour drive is fairly close, but getting down there on a weekday is a little difficult for me.
Hey, sounds good to me.

I did manage a ride in a 7a (see my post under 'Midwest', 'Looking for a Grin'), but my heart is set on an 8/8a and would really love to sit in one to check for fit/room. I say sit in one because I'm fairly certain that as GIB my 6'2" 260+ lbs would bust most any 8/8a CG limits unless it was using a lead prop! :eek: