
Well Known Member
Iv'e just about completed the Van's RV training project and am having a blast. Im about to order the empenage kit for the 7 and can't seem to find any info other than AC 20-27 on the builder log requirement. The last thing that I want to do is launch into this thing without documenting it properly. :eek: Most builder sites are custom and I was wandering how you guys that use KitLog Pro like it, pros/cons, etc....

See the June issue of Kitplanes, "Ask the DAR"

There is no "hard" set requirements as to the content for the builder's log. Just a chronological log showing that the aircraft is amateur-built over a period of time.
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There seems to be a modern perception that the internet or special software is necessary to document a home build. We managed well before we had these modernizations.

I took photos once in a while and did keep a daily log in a spiral notebook of what tasks were accomplished each session. I taped the photos on the back sides of the notebook pages.

The inspector (fed) barely glanced at this stuff. They can tell if you built it by casual conversation.
I still use a spiral notebook. I'm working on one now for my Bi-Plane. That is, when I get to work on it.

I used Excel, which worked for me as I know it well and use it almost every day.

You can download a sample on this page of my web site.

Good luck with your build.
I'm a fan of purpose-built software, so I'm using KitLog Pro to keep the formal record of my -10 project. (Not too many entries in it yet!) It's easy and painless to use, which means I'll actually use it. :)

I'm also planning a web builder's log -- I have learned tons from the guys like Tim Olson who've posted their builds in great detail, and I figure someone might learn a little something from mine.

Then again, I'm a guy who has two electronic logbooks in addition to the traditional paper one, so that might explain my approach... ;)

-- Chris
I used Expercraft and am very happy with it. The DAR did not spend much time at all looking at the log. The FSDO inspector that issued my Repairman's Certificate spent some time looking at my hard copy of the Expercraft Log and was very complimentary about the detail in the log. I added up to three photo's on the majority of the log entries. Easy to use and free!:)