
Does anybody know of any software out there that would work on my apple computer so I can keep a builder's log?

I made up an Excel spreadsheet, which worked out very well.

You can download a copy from my web site.
(You will have to click on the builder's log link once that page comes up.)
Builders Log Book

Hi Alan

I use two:

1. Kitlog Pro to log the construction with photos and expenses. It also allows you to convert the log to a website at the press of a button and when the build is complete you can create a PDF file of the whole log at the press of a button.

2. I use an Excel spreadseet to log the day to day hours as I don't want to record everything in Kitlog - it is dead easy to use and I add comments to note what I have done. Check it out on my website and the link is at the bottom of the construction hours on the homepage.


Bob Ellis