
Well Known Member
Any builders in the western MA or eastern NY area who might be willing to let me stop by and utilize some tools for the Vans practice kit? I ordered two kits and am considering starting a build, but I'd like some exposure to the building techniques before investing in my own tools.

Thanks for any help with this. I live in Adams, MA between KPSF and KAQW.
If you cant find someone closer, you are welcome to come on over to KTEW Michigan. We have a heated workspace in our hangar. Or let me know what you need and I could send it for you to borrow.
If you cant find someone closer, you are welcome to come on over to KTEW Michigan. We have a heated workspace in our hangar. Or let me know what you need and I could send it for you to borrow.

Thank you so much for the kind offer. I will keep it in mind if I don't find someone closer. Flying out to Michigan would be a cool adventure.
In addition to reaching out to local builders, I'd highly recommend attending a building fundamentals class. I attended the Synergy Air class in Georgia. They teach you all the fundamental skills you need to build the plane by having you build the Van's airfoil practice kit under their guidance. An added bonus is that they have 10-15 RVs in various stages of being built in their hangers that you can take a look at. The EAA has similar classes, I believe the next one will be in Norfolk, VA in April.