I have been lurking for a while and thinking pretty hard about building a plane.

I have been back and forth on either a quick cross country plane to a slow mountain plane. I think I have decided that a quick cross country plane will get used more.

I am just now starting to look around at planes in progress and hopefully some that are finished.

Been thinking about either a -7a or -8a. Maybe -9a. Other than the wing on the 9, slower overall, smaller engine, less fuel, there is really no different from the 7 correct?

The plane will be use mostly to fly from Denver to Chicago and St Louis. Possibly longer trips when needed.

I will probably build from a standard kit as I am in no hurry to get done and it will keep me occupied during my downtime (which can be a lot sometimes).

Any guidance is appreciated. Also I am willing to be free labor to builders in progress if anyone would like some help.

I am located in Parker, Colorado

Welcome to VAF Doug

There are quite a few builders in the area. Vans will send you a list with your tail kit.

The G limitations are different too -- the 9 is not aerobatic.

Another notable difference is that the 9 has a slower roll rate than the 7. I've heard that this makes for a better IFR airplane, not having an instrument rating or having ever flown a 9 I can't really say first hand.

The tails on the 7 and 9 are also quite different.

I'm sure there are other differences that I missed.

Sounds like the 9 might be a good match for what you want to do.
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7A vs 9A

Built a 9A-standard slow build- in 19 mos. First flew in '03. 0-320 gives 160 kts @ 8.4 gph. Pleasure to fly. Gentle and forgiving, and very predictable.
Built a 7A qb, (took 33 mos). First flight 4-08. 15 kts faster than the 9A, handles similar, doesn't glide nearly as well, needs maybe a little more attention. I fly the 9, I like it the best. Every time I'm in the 7, I think it is the one. The 7A is more exciting, more demanding, and equipped with more goodies.

When the time comes, I'll probably keep the first-born. :)