
I'm New Here
My name is Kory Klismith. My wife and I are working on a Murphy Elite kit. I'm also working to finish my master's degree through Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. To complete my degree I need to complete a research project. As part of this project, I have devised an online questionnaire using surveymonkey.com.

My project focuses on safety and reliability of piston and rotary engines used in experimental aircraft. The survey is open to anybody who currently owns/flys an experimental aircraft or has a project under construction.

If you can spare a few minutes, I request your assistance in completing the short questionnaire at the following address:

If you know of anybody else who's not a regular to this forum that builds/operates experimental aircraft, requesting your assistance in forwarding this link to them. No personnally identifiable information will be collected. This is strictly for educational purposes.

I promise I'm not trying to reignite any of the traditional/alternative engine wars I've read in the archives here... just trying to finish my final project, and hopefully come up with findings and conclusions that may help somebody with their project in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email:
[email protected]

Thank you very much for your time!
Kory "Flex" Klismith
ERAU Grad Student
Murphy Elite #678 under construction

Thanks, MSgt Thomason! Yeah, I tried to keep it simple. Nothing ground-breaking, but of interest to me... and gets my degree D-U-N!

Also, i had posted this in the "traditional" engine forum, but guessing a moderator deleted it. FYI - Survey is open to all typs of engines (just the aircraft has to be experimental).

Thank you for your time!

Thanks to all who helped with the survey. I realize it may not have been the best, most exciting set of questions, but quick and painless was my goal, so hopefully I achieved that for you all! The link is now closed.

FYI - I got 127 responses in less than a week... and about 115 in the first 48 hours! Thanks for the support!