Where does your True RV Heart Reside?

  • I'm a Builder! (Want to buy my plane? I'm ready for another kit!)

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • I'm a Flier (Building was a means to an end - a wonderful flying machine!)

    Votes: 44 18.6%
  • Both (Why should I have to decide? I love it all!)

    Votes: 138 58.5%
  • I don't know (I haven't finished mine yet, but love building!)

    Votes: 32 13.6%
  • I don't know (I bought mine flying - what's a Cleco?)

    Votes: 18 7.6%

  • Total voters


VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK, this is just for fun (as all of my trivial polls are....):

Where does your heart reside? Are you happiest as a Builder? Or are your happier as a Flier? It's OK to be enough of both to call it even as well! And maybe you are still building and haven't flown your RV yet - that's OK, we understand! Or did you buy your RV and didn't have the opportunity to build? Well that's OK too!

I bet this poll comes out about dead even....but I've been wrong before!
Buyer/Flier here. In addition to being mechanically inept I don't have near enough free time. I'd much rather spend it flying than cursing at a pile of sheetmetal and tools.
still building and enjoy it. But deep down I wish I had more money so I could finish this quicker and be a flyer.;)
I'm completely a flier. Never wanted to build an RV but had to because I couldn't find the one I wanted.

I still dread condition inspections and maintenance but put up with it for the overall amazing airplane.
Haven't Flown it Yet but I'm Thinking Both

I work in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) on all platforms in the Navy's arsenal (mostly the F/A-18 A-F) but I have a lot more fun with my RV project.

Not to mention no congressional oversite, government contracts, test plans, range time windows, etc. Just me and my rivet gun.

Any other former Marines out there done a parity on the riffleman's creed? "This is my rivet gun, there are many like it but this one is mine, I must master it like I must master my life, I must rivet true, truer than my technical advisor would have me do...." Something like that...
I have bought a RV6A and sold it to buy a RV8. I loved the 6 but the 8..oh my!
When people on the ramp ask me if I built it, I reply "No, I would NEVER fly something I built" and always get a laugh.

I am don't feel I can't dedicate the time to building but if things slow down on my ranch, I would consider pounding a few rivets.

Now a builder, eventually both. I'm surprised how much I've enjoyed the building part; originally I bought the kit as a means to an end (long-time ambition to fly).
I love my RV7a-- I bought it and became friends with the builder...

One day I would like to build my own 8. Maybe when I retire.

I'm clearly very happy both building and flying. Maybe even a hair more of a builder given the frequency that I have my flying bird taken apart to tinker with. I built a full slow build and am getting ready to do it again (full slow build). I guess it will be very clear in a few years if I am more of a builder than a flier depending on how long the next build takes with a flying airplane in the hangar :).

I can quite often be found:
- in the shop with a hunk of aluminum, 6" rule, and a blue sharpie in my hand with a big fat smile on my face. Step away! Man at peace! Is what the sign should read.
- Solo at 3k' in an easy 45deg bank turning through the setting sun over my home field with a big fat smile on my face. The towed banner would read: Pull over! Man at peace!
One of each?

I?m a both. Flying my Cardinal has become boring and maintenance convoluted. I very much look forward to flying the 8 I am currently building; but then will likely sell the Cardinal and start another project. An RV in the air and one in the shop would be nirvana. Definitely a both.
More of a builder

But since the instrument rating and taking some acro training I must say the flying is a LOT more fun than it used to be...:)

Flier, yes!

I got into this so late in life that my focus for the last ten years has been to fly, fly, fly, everywhere I can. Even my boss (at the company I used to own) says I use any excuse to fly. Almost insults my integrity but I can still smile.

Now, I'm actually thinking of building or participating in a group build at our EAA chapter and looking forward to it. Will it be easier on my hands than the 80x80x25 hangar we just built?

Fly, fly, fly!
timley poll


Today during lunch someone ask.... how many internal combustion engines do you have? This turned into a discussion of model airplanes, and other things with engines.
Danny King won,12 RC airplanes, and the usual things around the house, Corvett, Ford truck, a Mustang, cars,,,The 'Doll' lots of engines.
I counted 14, 4 RC airplaness, 3 airplanes, RV8, Super Cub and Cessna 140, 2 Jeeps, a Ford 150, and lawn mower, power washer, an extra lycoming 0-360, and a continental C90 in pieces, probably missed some....
Stan 'Grumpy' has 3 model T engines, his Swift, and Switfs??, cars and such,
I did not get an engine count from Doug, Scorch, or Jarhead. But it looks the builders at our table had the most engines. Danny and me...But we fly too!
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I have been a non RV Flyer for years, and when the weather is good you will find me flying my Cardinal. But I found that I have time to build now so, I am building my -8. If I would slow down my flying I might have some more money to build faster but I can not give up my wings.

Oh and I have 8 Batteries to maintain. 9 if you count my partnership in an L-5 that is grounded at present.
My motto is, "Fly when the weather is good; build when the weather is bad." Here in the Midwest we get a good share of both. :D I'm workin' full time, building 30 to 35 hrs per month, and flying 75 to 100 hrs per year. Keeps me off the street, she says. :eek:
Love the build, but.....

I know I love building, but evertime I see a new first flight video, it brings a tear to my eye (actually, many tears!). I can't wait till the day I post my first flight video......then maybe I will know what I like better.