
Well Known Member
Any amateur radio operators out there? MartySantic (W9EAA) and I (K2GOC) QSO'ed today on 20 Meters and discused our projects, building techniques, etc. We are going to meet again tomorrow 1/3 on 14.275 at 3 PM EST. You're welcome to join in. I am in NY, Marty in Iowa.
RV-12 Ham QSO

Hi John. Marty and friends,

I'm working on getting an antenna up on the hangar at this end. Hope to
talk to you soon.

Temora, New South Wales

have not turned on the radio in months. I didn't think there was much hf
propagation (no sunspots) but I'll give a listen tomorrow.

Dave - KM5XE
finishing up -9A fuselage
32 hr into PPL
Hi John. Marty and friends,

I'm working on getting an antenna up on the hangar at this end. Hope to
talk to you soon.

Temora, New South Wales

Sam, What bands do you like to work? Just out of interest, I was at Luskintyre the other weekend and saw they have a nice longwire setup and they run comps out of there (John Moyle etc)

Hello Folks,
Just got my Technician license recently and have yet to purchase a radio. Looks like now I definitely need to. What a great way to practice two hobbies at once, RV building and ham radio operating!
I'll look forward to tuning in as well.


I'll try to get a 20M antenna up by tomorrow, but if not, I'll be listening on my shortwave receiver.

Buck (W9VMO)
20m RV group

I checked in on 14.275 and heard Marty & John and some others.

I think close to 5 or 6 of us were on freq.

Propagation was not the greatest. Didn't hear much on 40m.

Maybe we'll get some sun spots soon and it'll work better.

Could be fun.

I went back to the shop to continue destroying aluminum fuel tubing...

Dave KM5XE
I checked in with Marty on 20m, but lost just about everyone when we shifted to 40m. I'm all for trying again, perhaps propagation will be better.

Perhaps we could set up a schedule?

Ham Radio Update

Well, we were semi-successful with our first RV ragchew yesterday. Marty (W9EAA) checked in from Iowa, and I was here (K2GOC) from upstate NY. Dave (KM5XE) checked in from New Mexico, and Rob (W2WOE) from Delaware. We also heard Mark (K5BAY from Texas. We all couldn't hear each other on 20M so we QSYed over to 40M. That worked pretty good for the guys in the eastern US, but we lost the west! The three of us talked for a few minutes and then went back to work on our projects. I think this has the potential to be a lot of fun, but it is hard to find the right band and time to maximize propagation to all areas. 40M worked OK, but the QRM is annoying. 20M had better long distance communication but there was a lot of fading in and out. Marty used some propagation software to calculate that 0030Z would be a good time to try 40M again, and I think we will try that this evening. Probably around 7205 plus or minus, depending on frequency congestion.

My ultimate goal would be to have something like a weekly net on 20M, that would provde the best wide-area coverage. I don't know how successful we would be in pulling in the Australia guys.

Does anybody know how to move this thread over to the general area, because it's not just for RV-12 people.
Sorry I missed you guys yesterday. Could barely hear on 40M and had no luck on 20M. Hope to try again in the future and looking forward to following your RV-12 builds. My fat fingers let me down yesterday while typing a similar message on the laptop - no tellin' where I sent that message when I hit whatever key I hit!

Rob - W2WOE
N706DR - RV-7A
Newark, DE
What a great idea. I can run a di-pole outside and setup the rig.

I've been looking for a good excuse to get back on the air. A builders conversation would be great!

Phil - N5QCN
...great idea but I have an RV-6 to finish

I hope you guys can make the sked a regular and lasting event. My radios are and will remain mothballed until my RV-6 is flying.
Furthermore the radio shack is chock full of RV.
Doug Gray
Sydney Australia,

VH-UDG reserved for the RV
Great Timing

I recently passed my Tech (KE5WZK) and will be taking my General in Feb. Building an Elecraft K2, which should be a blast. A number of years ago I built the RMI uMonitor and uEncoder from kits for my -6 so I feel comfortable with building the K2. I wish I had something to listen with, in the meantime. Looking forward to future QSO's !
I can monitor if you post the freq's

I am in Iraq and have an HF radio on the plane. The only thing we are using it for right now is to here BBC or Radio Romania or whatever else I can find. I will start monitoring the freq's you have listed and let you know what I hear.
I don't have an amateur license, but have studied for the test many times over the years. My Dad is a Ham. Takecare.
Learned something today.

I got my tech license back when you had to pass the morse code part as well. I only used my license to operate on 2 meters and a little on 10 meters. My only interest was voice communication. I just read you don't have to pass the morse code test to get a general and even extra license. I may look into getting a general license so I can operate on 20 meters.
Great Idea!

Glad you moved frequency. 14.275 has a reputation....

I look forward to putting up my tower and beam this spring and talking with you all on 20.

I'll listen tomorrow on 7205.


Tom VE7DQ.
Any schedule?

I listened today at about 1815Z on both 7205 and 14.287. Heard nets on both but no RV content. Is there another time scheduled at this point?

Thanks, John KE8LI
I'd try

This last message just made me aware of the attempt at a net. 20M has been a little more lively lately and I'd be willing to give it a try.

Joe, AI9Z
Technically, it is bad ettiquite - The communications are supposed to concern the nature of the amateur radio hobby and emergency communications. I don't think its codified, since the last place I read that was in an etiquette guide that I can't find anymore. Besides, I hear all kinds of bad operating practice on the air -- RV'ers would be a welcome change.

Having said that, I'd gladly join you guys once my stuff gets unpacked and I get my antenna back up. ;) But, ETA is unknown; it could be a while as we are trying to sell the house.:eek:

-Jeff, AE5KZ -