Yes... Beth & I went to the class in November of 2007. It was the best thing we could do to get a head start. Not only do you get the tail section completed while you are there, but you learn ALL of the basics of building - and then some. We also met another building couple while we were there and now have a life long friendship with another couple with a lot of things in common. Jacob and Mike are the best and the cost of the school WILL be more than saved during the building process. We are now 18 months into the building process and hung the engine this weekend - we should be flying within a year, which is better than a lot of folks and I think we will have a great, well built plane to fly when we get through thanks to Alexanders.
going to ATC in June

I am scheduled to go through the RV Tail Kit Program at ATC in two weeks.

Everyone I've talked to that has been through the class has heaped praise on the instructors and the program. There's a very good writeup of one person's experience here on VAF.

If you're interested, details of my experience will be posted to my builder's blog when I get back. (I'll update this post with the link at that time.)

-- Chris