
I'm New Here
As a longtime lurker, I have decided to bite the bullet and do an RV10. In this vein, I was wanting to ask about builder assist programs and opinions on the various shops offering them. Particularly people that have used these shops to build their RV10 empennage kit.

Thanks in advance,

I guess it depends somewhat on where you are located...
I would seriously consider Tom Emery at Western PA RV builders - I took his weekend sheetmetal / RV building class and it was great. He offers builder assist for tail kits including the -10. Everyone I know that has worked with him has great things to say:


My wife and I went to Synergy Air in Eugene, OR back in April. Wally Anderson and his crew are top notch. We left with the Vertical Stab, Rudder, Horizontal Stab, Elevators, and trim tabs completed in nine days. We then had Tony Partain pick up the finished tail feathers from Synergy when he picked up the QB kit from Vans and delivered everything to us in June.
The course was excellent, the facilities are first rate, and we both left with the confidence and knowledge that we could tackle this project.
We are now working on the tailcone in our hangar and are having a great time.
RV Building Class


I took George Orndorff's weekend building class before starting my RV-10. It was very helpful in getting me started. www.fly-gbi.com

Thanks for the replies. Since I am in Colorado, I will have to travel no matter which assist program I choose - I have not found any in Colorado anyway. I have heard good things about Alexander Tech and spoke to someone at Oshkosh that highly recommended them. It will probably be end of year before I go do it, but I need to get my ducks in a row pretty quickly here I think.

Thanks again,

DL--here's one in Colorado. I live in Salt Lake City and have been looking for the same thing locally--don't have any experience with them other than to say they have been pretty helpful answering questions via e-mail. http://www.coloradocomposite.com/


Seven days at Alexander Tech Center in Georgia was time well spent, sending me home with skills, tool experience, and all the flat surfaces completed (HS, VS, Elevs, Rudder). Started in February and am working on the wings slow-build now.
Synergyair in Eugene OR.

Dale, my partner George and I finished the Synergyair quick-start empannage workshop about three weeks ago. We had shopped around for a while and decided on Wally's class based on feedback from these forums. Dale, this was a fantastic experience! We had a great time! I learned so much that there is no question at all that we have the skills to finish the job.We may have been able to manage this project on our own ,but MAN, it would have taken a long, long time and the craftsmanship would not be up to the calibre that we learned from Wally. I have a top-notch complete tail section sitting in my shop now that will be the benchmark for the rest of the project.Eugene is a great town and easy to navigate around in with good food and lodging,[Wally fixed some problems we were having with our hotel with one phone call ].If you are having a problem making up your mind let this be a whole hearted endorsement of Wally and his crew. [he might even take you out on his sailboat]
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