Hey Guys,

Wondering what you think about the video series that are out there on the market for helping build your RV. Seems to me that nobody wants to watch somebody else build. What do you think about a video series that incorporates small 3-4 minute video snipits that are directly linked to a particular plans instruction paragraph. I think if you could sync the instruction manual and small video segments it might be a product that is advantageous. That way you could cruise through easy parts and watch the video when you get to the build instructions that make no sense.

What do you guys think about builder videos?

I currently have two of the beginner videos, and honestly, am not very impressed by them. Maybe because I have attended the RV Workshop and already know the basics behind riveting.

The more difficult aspects of building, i.e. trying to decipher the instructions compared to the plans, are not really covered at all. I think you are really on to something in regards with that. Especially with the first few steps when the builder is very green and probably really lost.

I imagine it would be impossible to have every single step of the build on video. Maybe the videos can show the step by step of the horizontal stabilizer in layman's terms, and spread it out from there.
I agree with Fresno, the existing "build" DVDs (not talking about the EAA building clips online) did nothing for me. I had gone through SynergyAir's week-long building course and of course that was far more effective than a 90 minute DVD.

Your idea about short clips about specific areas of the plans is better, but I question whether you could make money at it. It would be very expensive to produce and almost the same information can be had by perusing the various builder web pages. But like Fresno said, if you concentrate on the horizontal stabilizer that would really help the beginner who doesn't take a hands-on building class, with some more clips for just those later areas that are more difficult or puzzling. Perhaps combined with lots of good quality still photos that show a build sequence.
I bought the DVD series from George and Becky Orndorff and I found them helpful. I knew how to rivet and such, they showed some unique techniques to building. I have the whole series from empennage to finishing kit.
Rick Maury
tail on the fuselage