
Opulence, I has it...
Having followed Van's instructions--in order--on the empanage, I look back and see I may have been better off doing things differently...say starting on the rudder vs. the HS (only an opinion).

I like the nice bite-sized pieces of the Emp., and was wondering if there are any issues anyone has seen with building the wings in some other sequence than prescribed in the manual. Tanks first (Proseal drying out over time?)? Flaps and Ailerons first (fitting issues?)? Any other suggestions?

I'm working in one half of a 2 car garage, so I don't want to put the jigs up until I absolutely have to. Building the main structure then having to find room for them is a hassle as well...where as the flaps, ailerons and tanks can go in the hanger (guest bedroom) relatively easily.

Thoughts? Thanks--

HI Joe,
I don't think you really want to go at the tanks until you have the main structure setup you might run into fitting problems with the LE. But I don't see any reason you could not knock the flaps and ailerons out.
Don't worry besides the tanks the wings are a peice of cake once you figure out whats going on.
Best of luck :)
Wing Assembly Order

KirkGrovesRV8 said:
HI Joe,
I don't think you really want to go at the tanks until you have the main structure setup you might run into fitting problems with the LE. But I don't see any reason you could not knock the flaps and ailerons out.
Don't worry besides the tanks the wings are a peice of cake once you figure out whats going on.
Best of luck :)
I agree with Kirk. If you really don't want to set up the wing stands until you absolutely have to, you can build up the ailerons and flaps first, then follow the order that Van?s suggests. There is a fair amount of work on the wings before placing them on the stands such as deburring & fluting ribs (you?re in for a shock how many ribs there are), installing platenuts in the main spar, building up the rear spar, and assembling the skeleton. I would not build the tanks or leading edge until the wings are up on stands.

I would suggest building both wings at the same time as it is more efficient. I was able to build both at the same time and I had enough room to park a car in my 2-car garage.

It?s funny that you mention that your guest room could take on the ailerons and flaps. For over a year, I had my wings in my guest room, then I moved my guest room.