
Active Member
So I understand that the -12 is the "Easiest/Simplest" to build of all the RV's, but just how simple is it? Does it require any bending/forming? Is it truly all pulled rivets? Does it require dimpling and drilling? I'm just trying to understand how exactly it varies from the other kits. Thanks!
The RV-12 is not 100% pulled rivets. There are lots of solid rivets, but the rivet holes for these parts are near the edge of the parts, so you can use a rivet squeezer to set the rivets—no rivet gun is required. Most people find it easier to learn how to use a rivet squeezer than a rivet gun, and it is a quiet, one-person operation. That said, by far the vast majority of the rivets in the -12 are pulled rivets. Setting pulled rivets is also a simple, one-person operation.

You will have to fabricate or modify a few simple parts in the RV-12, but not many. All complicated bending and forming is done at the factory.

You will have to do some dimpling, which is typically done on the -12 using dimple dies in a rivet squeezer. Since the rivets that hold the skins are round-head rivets, not flush rivets like the other RV kits, you will save a bunch of time not having to dimple almost every hole in the skins.

Most of the holes are pre-punched to final size, which saves a bunch of time because you don’t have to deburr prepunched holes that are drilled to final size. You will have to do a little bit of match drilling on a few parts, but since you typically use a pre-punched part as a guide for match drilling, it’s pretty easy.
So correct me if I'm wrong, but is what you're saying that the RV-12 is the most solo build friendly airplane in the RV fleet?
So correct me if I'm wrong, but is what you're saying that the RV-12 is the most solo build friendly airplane in the RV fleet?
Based on my experience building an RV-9A before I started my 12, I believe the -12 is the most “solo build friendly.” I had lots of help from fellow builders bucking and shooting rivets. I did most of the other work on the RV-9A solo.

That said, I know that plenty of people have built one of the other RVs almost totally solo, so it certainly can be done. I also shot and bucked plenty of rivets solo on my 9A, but the majority were done while working with a partner.
I built three kit planes: a Searey, an Aventura HP and my RV-12. Nothing compares to the kit completeness, straightforward instructions and manufacturer support of the RV-12. One of the other kits had two different weight and balance forms! I got used to “beat to fit and paint to match” on the other kits, so my first reaction when something didn’t fit on the 12 was the part must be wrong. I soon learned that if something doesn’t fit on the RV-12 I was doing something wrong.
The only other kit builder I’d love to hear from would be a Sling builder.

Hilbert Doug Dahl would know, he's built both a RV-12 and a Sling2. Not a lot of Sling 2 builders that have completed a Sling2... I know Doug built his E-AB, he wanted the 700 kg limit gross capacity, as the Sling2 has 38 gallons of fuel capacity and starts out at close to 825 to 850# with the 912 iS motor.
For what its worth.. I picked the RV-12 (vs another Vans) for 1 reason.. I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew.

However, now that I'm 99% complete with my -12, and having seen other local builders do a -9 and a -10 in various stages.. I can say that you should not let the 'ease' of the -12 dictate which one you build. Unless you're located in the middle of Alaska and live alone and your neighbor is 50 miles from you, the fact that the RV-12 is mostly pop-rivet is not a factor. Sure, it cuts down on the build-time, and the need for a helper.. but thats it. In the end you want a plane that you're going to fly and enjoy. The last thing you want to do is be in a -12 when you really want to be go 180mph. Or in a -8 and want to spend $10/hr in fuel..

Pick a RV model that suits what type of flying you want to do. That should be main thing..
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