
Active Member
What books would make good reading in preparation for a build?

We're waiting on the Empennage Kit and have the SB wings ordered as well. Hopefully the EK will be here mid March. The wings in July.

What books would make good reading in preparation for a build?

We're waiting on the Empennage Kit and have the SB wings ordered as well. Hopefully the EK will be here mid March. The wings in July.


Welcome! Hope you enjoy the build. I assume by the question you don't have a lot of experience with any sheet metal, but I found more valuable than books was to actually work on the practice projects once you get your tools like the Van's toolbox and/or airfoil section.

I am not sure what the status is of the two day classes anymore but those are great as well (the ones EAA runs).

If you really want something in book form, you could try this:

It is a decent overview of the techniques and tools but again there is no real substitute for hands on practice and even better with a little mentorship.

Oh yeah, and of course be ready for lots of small/medium orders from Vans. Mistakes happen :)

Good luck!
Any of the build blogs for the model that you're interested in. And the thread "My RV Build Project" here on VAF is a good place to start.

The EAA gift shop /book store is a great source books on "how to" for aircraft building. Years ago I purchased all of the Tony Bengelis books... Great read.

Oh yes. The EAA video hints are also very informative.
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Thanks for the responses. Looks like we're in ok shape from the recommendations. We're getting ready to start a second go at the Van's Practice Kit, have done the toolbox, and have a sheet of aluminum and angle ordered from Spruce.
We've been reading all the posts and hopefully learning from others experiences.
The shop is ready, the tools are on hand. The weather is awful so we can't fly. The waiting is killer.


... there is no real substitute for hands on practice and even better with a little mentorship.

Oh yeah, and of course be ready for lots of small/medium orders from Vans. Mistakes happen :)

Good luck!

Welcome. What he said. I concur. Books and videos are great. No replacement for hands on. A mentor will teach good practices and correct bad ones before they become natural.
I'm so lucky to have found an awesome mentor and friend. Hint. He posted to this thread.