
Active Member

By now, I am planning my workshop and I want some advice from you.

In the future, I want to live in an airpark in another city. But I can't do that now, because my job in this city. And I want to start building quite soon.

I live in a house, with a very big yard (25.000 square meters), so space isn't a problem. But the issue is I don't have a workshop.

So, I've been thinking about building a cheap workshop, because I'll move when I finish the airplane. A cheap workshop won't have so much space, not to comfortable and I am going to waste my money.

An ideia came up: Build a metal hangar at home now, then, when I move, I can disassemble it and assemble at my airpark. I can also live in it while I build the house there.

What do you think about it?
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The resale value will increase for your home if you leave it there, and just build a new one (learning what you like from your old one). However, you might not get $ for $ of what you put into it. If you want the hastle of putting it up & taking it down and putting it up again have at it!

I think it is a great idea....you should plan it out well though. If you use a lot of time saving things like Q-D pins (quick disconnect) you might be able to make it mobile quickly. De-constructing is a good way to save resources and money. It is also better for the environment. You can always modify it later to evolve into your newer tastes.

BTW you are one planning dude. I keep reading about all your plans and it sounds awesome. I hope the best for you on your endeavors. I am jealous of you flying around Brazil and South America. It is such a beautiful country and continent!

I would not do it!

Many airparks have CCR's. If you dont know where you are going and what those are, you may not be building something acceptable in the airpark.

You will have a big investment in the slab if you plan on putting a floor in, which you most certainly want.

I would build something appropriate for your current home so you can maximize your investment. You dont need much space to build an RV.
oh yeah i didn't think about the regulations the airpark might have....but it is a good idea i think for you to build something you can work out of at home!
oh yeah i didn't think about the regulations the airpark might have....but it is a good idea i think for you to build something you can work out of at home!

Thanks, guys.

If I leave build something nice for the house, I wont't get the resale value because the house isn't mine it's my mom's.

Airpark regulations? I am going to check that. There are just 3 - 5 all over the country. So, I think they aren't supposed to have too regulations. Anyways, at the begining of november, I'll be visting three of them and I won't forget to ask them about that.

I won't make an expensive floor by now. When I move, I will, maybe some epoxy...

I really don't know what to do.