
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

I have lived in the southwest for most of my life. Every place I have lived has had black widow spiders. Not too big of a deal, usually.

Lately my garage has been infested. They have been hatching every two or three nights. Some nights it looks like about 500 babies and other nights about 50 or 100. Last night I vacuumed about 50 babies off of my empennage. After about 30 minutes there were about 50 more. I found one big mama last night and one more tonight. This has been going on for almost two weeks, so I was thinking about setting off a bug bomb.

I have my fuselage in my garage, so I was wondering if a bug bomb would affect the aluminum. I thought maybe I could just cover it up with plastic, but then I thought would plane become a safe haven?

Needless to say, I will be cleaning my garage very thoroughly this weekend.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Well, come to California. No, no no rain for the past three years. No bugs here; nada. No lawn, too. It gives me now at least another hour on the weekends to build; no grass to cut!
We have a Redback spider in Australia, which is related to the Black Widow.
When people regularly spray for spiders here, they all disappear, but the first one back is the Redback.
I have found that not spraying for spiders allowd the daddy Longlegs and others to predate on the Redback. Now I havn't seen a redback for years.
Not knowing what you would use I can't comment on its affect on aluminium, but surely you can live with them.
effective spider control

Just something to thinks about... Bug bombs are rarely effective against spiders. Your doing the most effective method of spider control. Vacuum and knocking down the webs. Good luck,
I set off two of the aerosol bombs in the shop (1000sqft) last year, to wipe out a variety of small spiders that had migrated in from the airport. Didn't notice any effect on aluminum or shop machines. It did eliminate the spiders.
Get a small container of TEMPO and mix 1 oz to the gallon of water and spray and your spiders will be gone.
Cy-Kick works GREAT in Arizona!

I don't like bombs because it coats EVERYTHING with that chemical.....everything I touch.

Keep your lights on 24/7 for a few days. Then order and spray Cy-Kick ( every 2 months and you will rid your hangar of black-widow spiders. You'll find lots of dead stuff, and an occasional dying thing, but never living stuff. It's the ONLY thing I found that works for black-widow spiders and scorpions since those bugs don't clean themselves like crickets and cockroaches, so most sprays don't work unless you spray them directly. I haven't seen a black-widow spider in my hangar since the day I bought it....and it was totally infested. I don't re-spray until I wash out the hangar, then I spray Cy-Kick the next day. I mix at 2 oz. per gallon, and typically use 1/2 gallon.
Glue traps

I've never faced them in the large quantities that you have, but glue traps are very effective for spiders.
I have found that not spraying for spiders allowd the daddy Longlegs and others to predate on the Redback. Now I havn't seen a redback for years.
Not knowing what you would use I can't comment on its affect on aluminium, but surely you can live with them.

They moved inside under your bed!:D
I don't like bombs because it coats EVERYTHING with that chemical.....everything I touch.

Keep your lights on 24/7 for a few days. Then order and spray Cy-Kick ( every 2 months and you will rid your hangar of black-widow spiders. You'll find lots of dead stuff, and an occasional dying thing, but never living stuff. It's the ONLY thing I found that works for black-widow spiders and scorpions since those bugs don't clean themselves like crickets and cockroaches, so most sprays don't work unless you spray them directly. I haven't seen a black-widow spider in my hangar since the day I bought it....and it was totally infested. I don't re-spray until I wash out the hangar, then I spray Cy-Kick the next day. I mix at 2 oz. per gallon, and typically use 1/2 gallon.

I have also used Cy-Kick. Best stuff out there for spiders!