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While riveting the ribs for the hs-stab my bucking bar slipped and the rivet gun put a large dent in the skin. Is there a fix?
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Get it as flat as you can and move on. You can fill it before painting. Most planes got them somewhere. Welcome to the smiley club.
While riveting the ribs for the hs-stab my bucking bar slipped and the rivet gun put a large dent in the skin. Is there a fix?

You might try a little heat from a heat gun on the area as you work it out.
Don't get the skin too hot ... just warm it up. You'll find it does help.
Good luck and keep going as Larry said.
Not uncommon

I put a few smiles and dents in my 7A rudder skin (it's the thin stuff).

No worries, most can be filled. Except for the easiest one to see, near the top, which is an "outie". (Dang.)

I briefly considered a do-over, but nah, I don't plan on entering my airplane in any RV shows. If the subassy is straight and strong, it's flying.
I put a few smiles and dents in my 7A rudder skin (it's the thin stuff).

No worries, most can be filled. Except for the easiest one to see, near the top, which is an "outie". (Dang.)

I briefly considered a do-over, but nah, I don't plan on entering my airplane in any RV shows. If the subassy is straight and strong, it's flying.

In case of out outie you just ding it in the make it an innie then fill.

I had a couple on the leading edges of my wings when I was riveting the bottom skins and dropped the bucking bar into the leading edge (hint: put some old towels in there when you're doing that). Anyway, I just made them all innies then my painter filled them and you can't see them at all.