
Well Known Member
Checked a small item off the bucket list today when Mary and I stopped at First Flight Airport, in Kitty Hawk, NC on our way home from visiting friends in VA.


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Checked a small item off the bucket list today when Mary and I stopped at First Flight Airport, in Kitty Hawk

Looked like a beautiful day to go to Kittyhawk!!! A journey that is a MUST for all aviators prior to life's final flight:) Have checked that bucket list about 20 times....just to make sure all the blocks were filled:D Hope you got a chance to go to the museum and listen to the 30 minute lecture....they are worth it!
Very nice to see you guys and your -10 on VAF again. I can't wait to get the noise certificate for my -10 and then I'll hope to add some travel reports here as well.
Flying to Ocean City Maryland in the morning. If weather holds out, I might just fly south another hour or so and check that one off myself.
Great pictures David! As SkyLordBob said it's a MUST for every aviator to visit. Go guys fly in and enjoy the park. Been there several times and will come more. Very relaxing and interesting place.

Looks like you guys are enjoying some of our unusually good spring flying weather after a very long cold winter. We will try to get over there this summer. Enjoy seeing the trip pics.

I use to take family, friends, and my student pilots on pilgrimage flights to Kittyhawk......I was hoping some of them would start a movement to place a bronze bust of Skykingbob among those of Orville & Wilber.....alas with the funds they raised all they could afford to make was a paper m?ch? version of the project was scratched:D:D

Its a great place to go....but wear good shoes and watch out for dwarf prickly pear cacti in grassy areas, deer on the runway, sometimes tricky mechanical turbulence......and occasionally an undercover russian :D