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I'm New Here
Hi all,

I ran a quick search and didn't find anything, so I'm hoping this hasn't been discussed before.

I was reading a thread from awhile ago about how to ditch an RV if need be. I'd be flying in the midwest, so I have two possibilities there: 1) ditching in water and 2) not having a place to land due to trees, etc.

I know there are the personal parachute systems, but has anyone tried putting a BRS chute on an RV? Seems to me that this would be a great solution for both cases (water or unland-able land). Water, you hit reasonably gently straight down so you don't roll, trees you just stay strapped in and wait for help to arrive.

Anyone have any stories to share here? The only way my wife will let me fly a GA/EX aircraft is with some sort of parachute system...

Thanks in advance for any replies!

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