
Well Known Member
Help. We have an RV7 tipup. The "Handle" portion of our top, rear cowl piano hinge pin broke off with the pin installed. This is the long pin that runs along the top of the firewall. it is fully installed right now and broke flush with the entry hinge point.

The only idea I have right now is to maybe get a Drimmel tool with a cutoff wheel and trim off the first couple of hinges in hopes of grabbing the wire with a pair of pliers, but I'd rather not make things worse.

Any other ideas on how to get it out?

I would try cutting off the first hinge eye, that should expose enough of the pin to pull it out and won't compromise the hinge strength. When you make a new pin, be sure there is sufficient radius and no burr at the bend that could create a stress riser and future failure as you experienced. Boelube or beeswax is a good lubricant to make the pins easy to insert and remove.
Hinge Pin

If you have a little bit of access to your old pin, you may try tapping on it with another piece of PIN just enough to make it move a little and then try to pull on it from the other end if room allows..

Best of luck..
