
Well Known Member
Absolutely the best RV8 paint job I have seen.
Simply Superb.

I now have a new Desktop................ to replace Riveting Experience.
PS. Where's the retro rockets. many!

Thanks guys - I have to admit that I like it better every time I see it! The design is composed of elements I found on many different airplanes - I have a pretty big file, and had a very hard time designing what I wanted. I liked the way one airplane did this, and the way another did that....In the end, it just sort of came to me while doodling for the thousandth time. The real magician is Grady, who transformed my two-dimensional drawings onto the three-dimensional airplane!

I think I am am going to enjoy looking at it for a long time to come! :D :D

(And thanks to Doug for taking pictures and putting together the web page!)

Paul wanna design my 7 paint scheme? :D I admit, I have no talent for design. I couldn't design a one color scheme. You did real, real good. Two thumbs up!!
Paul....Outstanding paint job. I like how everything flows. No straight lines.

I'm sure you are glad to have your baby back!


You really created a super design. The paint scheme is stunning, and I'm struck by the series of black accent swoops, especially the one running horizontally almost the entire length of the fuselage. By subtly undulating throughout its length, it manages to highlight and define the clean lines of the -8. Yours is a fine example of design and execution and you should be very proud! Great job.
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On the photos, there is one that shows what looks like a decal on your flaps (img_1459.jpg #10 in the list). Is that something you came up with? Looks kindof hand made - like on a labeling machine.

You should be proud of the great new look for your 8.
parashak said:
On the photos, there is one that shows what looks like a decal on your flaps (img_1459.jpg #10 in the list). Is that something you came up with? Looks kindof hand made - like on a labeling machine.


Yes Paul, Grady did that with labeling materials. I don't have any kind of flap indicator other than the reference marks on the flap itself. On the bare airplane, I had done the markings with different color sharpies, and covered them with a piece of the clear flap leading edge tape. Grady recreated that a little more neatly before putting the tape on the painted flap. The colors are arbitrary - just gives some contrast so I can tell out of the corner of my eye how much flap is down.

Ironflight said:
Thanks guys - I have to admit that I like it better every time I see it! The design is composed of elements I found on many different airplanes - I have a pretty big file, and had a very hard time designing what I wanted. I liked the way one airplane did this, and the way another did that....In the end, it just sort of came to me while doodling for the thousandth time. The real magician is Grady, who transformed my two-dimensional drawings onto the three-dimensional airplane!

I think I am am going to enjoy looking at it for a long time to come! :D :D

(And thanks to Doug for taking pictures and putting together the web page!)



Do you have a web site where I can see this paint job?


Thanks Again!

Paul Tuttle said:
Nice stuff . I was going to wait until my -8 was finished before I did a painting of one but that deserves to be imortalized on canvas :)

Paul Tuttle
RV 8 fuselage

Paul - looking through your web page, your art is very hard to beat - beautiful stuff!

Thanks again to everyone for your compliments! The one thing I am sure of is that the art of design evolves every day - and I am anxious to see what new and stunning paint jobs are coming along in other people's minds to wow us all! :D

I hope to see people at fly-in's!
Paint Job

Paul, that is the prettiest -8 I've seen. Congratulations! I just saw the pic you had up under the RV-8 forum. Do you have other shots posted somewhere? Never mind, I found'em :)