
Congratulations.....beautiful. Does anyone know the group singing the background music and the name of the song?

Congratulations Gray! I guess the weather is better back home huh? I might need some "motivation" to keep back to work on mine when I get back! :D Unfortunately youtube is blocked. Where did you fly it? Home or ABI?
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Gray's RV-10 Flight

Gray flew from his grass strip at home, with Russ Daves and Cam Benton flying chase. Actually Cam took off first so he could try and get some video of Gray's departure and Russ followed Gray out. Most of the flight was Cam low and left checking out underneath and Russ right and level with Gray checking out airspeeds and conrols.

Russ' wife Ann was on the ground and said Gray made a perfect landing. She has seen lots of RV landings, most from right seat.
Good Job!!

Way to go, Gray!!
Two thumbs up!

Now go get those 40 hours taken care of so you can give me a ride.