
Well Known Member
Hey Smoke,

I want to thank you again for the advice on the purchase of and delivery of RV-4 336BW. I try to think of myself as a pretty savvy business person so to buy a plane site unseen from one picture had me pretty nervous. Well, I can honestly say that all nervousness left me when you taxied up to my hanger, shut the engine and spun her around. I am learning which friends to trust. Second generation GRIN.... I don't know much history on Art Chard, however, that guy puts a nice plane together!

For any of you guys or gals out there looking to purchase a plane do yourself a favor and talk to Smokey before purchase. Chances are if he doesn't know the plane personally he will know someone who does.

I really thought this thing was fast until that **** Rocket of Smoke's pulled up next to me. Some things in life just aren't fair. But what is it you say Smoke?? No Buck Rogers without the Bucks?

Now to the Plane:
Built by Art Chard
0360 lyco by Bart-- 190hp
Constant speed prop
Larger fuel tank
Tall gear legs
Pressure recovery pants
Tail wheel pant
Infinity grips
Leather Interior
Fast , Fast , Fast.
Runs of tap water. (ha, not that good)

Can someone post the article Smokey wrote on the front page of VAF to this Post. Sorry , didn't know how to.

[ed. Here's the URL: http://www.vansairforce.net/articles/Wolfie/Wolfman.htm dr]

Bill Whidden
RV-4 flying
NEW RV-4 flying
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