Well Known Member


I snapped these shots of Brian Hanson's RV-4 this afternoon at the Kaolin Aviation Builder's Assistance Center, in Sandersville, GA. Pierre Smith and Brian were out enjoying a severe clear, near calm afternoon in the wild blue yonder around the United States of Georgia. They stopped by to visit and hangar fly for a couple of hours. Looks great and sounds sweet! Good luck Brian!
Thanks Robby.......

.....for the neat pics. BTW, Robby used to be a professional AP photographer in another lifetime:) I can honestly say that this is the easiest landing taildragger that I've ever flown with outstanding visibility.

It is a beauty

I love it! Now where are the inflight pic's? With Pierre as your hangar mate, certainly that could be accomplished!

Thanks guys ,the plane is everything and more than I was told.
Really a lot of fun and flies like it is on a rail.
RV,s or fun.
In the back of my hangar, Jerry......

......where we painted mine:) Boy, does it get messy though! Have to cover everything else as well. We picked days where it was calm and cool with few to no bugs......over a period of almost two months. I'd definitely recommend building a booth inside the hangar/garage if you're contemplating it.
